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How Do I... Disinfect Leather!?

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Amazed I haven't seen this being asked in light of the current events.

Is there a way to disinfect a leather item without ruining the finish?

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On 3/21/2020 at 10:28 PM, Hardrada said:

Is there a way to disinfect a leather item without ruining the finish?

I'm watching a show right now about how long the virus lives on various surfaces. The show did not cover leather surfaces, but you should know that without a host, the virus does not live forever, so you might consider just leaving the leather alone for 14-21 days.

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Well, I've been wiping my belt (made out of W&C English briddle and finished with Leather Balm with Atom Wax) with hand sanitiser and I always end up with black hands. :(

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It for sure depends on how your product is finished but maybe a soapy water solution? Maybe use medical soap or curd soap?


or ask trxmp seems he is the most advance virus expert of our time

Edited by Constabulary

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A though is that if you are using dyes, etc., then those are largely alcohol based.  That should have a type of disinfecting effect.


Also, any soap should help.


I suppose you could spray Lysol on it, but I wouldn't bother.


If you want to disinfect just leave them in the sun for a few hours.

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