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I started this project last weekend. It is another of Robb Barr's video lessons. I have never been all that interested in doing an eagle, but several of my family members really liked this pattern so I decided to give it a try. All those tiny feathers really intimidated me but the instructions were really good, as usual on Robb's videos. Once I got going, I found I REALLY like making feathers. I have to look around and see if I have the right color paints to finish this up.

Each time I do one of these projects, I have to wonder how Robb thought all this stuff up. He really did have an amazing talent!! This project is really different and was a lot of fun to work on.








  • Members

That is truly awesome. Nothing else to say but post more.

  • Members

Hi Clay

That will be stunning piece - already is !!!

It is very frustrating over here in England - no classes - Tapes won't play (NTSC vs PAL SECAM) and most US dvd's won't play (Region 1 etc)

I'm stuck with books and, thank goodness, this forum.

Thanks for the post.

Alan C

  • Contributing Member
It is very frustrating over here in England - no classes - Tapes won't play (NTSC vs PAL SECAM) and most US dvd's won't play (Region 1 etc)

Alan C

Hi Al,

I really like doing the 3-D animals. I started another one yesterday and am taking pictures as I go. I will post pictures and descriptions of what is being done in each. This will give an idea of what it takes to do one of these kinds of projects but probably wont be complete enough instructions to do one yourself. The videos from Robb Barr are pretty good and if anyone has any questions after watching them, I would be happy to try and help. I emailed a friend that works at Hidecrafter and she confirmed that they do carry the videos in both formats. She said you just need to make sure you tell them which format you need when you order. I have quite a few videos on many different leather carving techniques and have learned a lot from them. I probably wont get back to the latest project until the weekend and will try to post some "in progress" pictures then.

Thanks all of you for the nice comments on the eagle.


  • 2 months later...
  • Contributing Member

I finally got brave enough to color my eagle picture. It turned out better than I expected. Sure wish I could have met Robb. Must have been really something to learn from him in person.





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This is really awesome. I have tried to find the DVD for this and have not had any luck. When did you get the lesson? It may be a bit advanced for me since I have only been working with leather since October....but I love a challenge.


I started this project last weekend. It is another of Robb Barr's video lessons. I have never been all that interested in doing an eagle, but several of my family members really liked this pattern so I decided to give it a try. All those tiny feathers really intimidated me but the instructions were really good, as usual on Robb's videos. Once I got going, I found I REALLY like making feathers. I have to look around and see if I have the right color paints to finish this up.

Each time I do one of these projects, I have to wonder how Robb thought all this stuff up. He really did have an amazing talent!! This project is really different and was a lot of fun to work on.


  • Contributing Member

Thanks to all of you for the nice comments of this picture. It may be my favorite one so far.


Hidecrafter leather carries all of Robb's videos. Breaking out eagle is #0063-01 in their catalog. You can check out the catalog at http://hidecrafter.com/ or call them at 1-888-263-5277 (ask for Anne) There are a couple different eagle videos and this is the harder of the two. It may be one of the most challenging of his videos to do, but it is a really cool project to do. If you are up for a challenge, give it a try! If you have any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them.

  • Members
Thanks to all of you for the nice comments of this picture. It may be my favorite one so far.


Hidecrafter leather carries all of Robb's videos. Breaking out eagle is #0063-01 in their catalog. You can check out the catalog at http://hidecrafter.com/ or call them at 1-888-263-5277 (ask for Anne) There are a couple different eagle videos and this is the harder of the two. It may be one of the most challenging of his videos to do, but it is a really cool project to do. If you are up for a challenge, give it a try! If you have any questions, I would be happy to try and answer them.

Clay, thank you very much. It may be awhile but I will let you know how it goes.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • Contributing Member
Wow, that's an exceptional piece there! I hope you continue posting pictures of your work, Clay; I really like seeing it. . .

What do you do to make the eyes so shiny on the figures?


Thanks LBum,

After the piece is completly colored I spray it with a sealer. Then go back and paint the eyes with an acrylic high gloss varnish. The one I use is made by Liquitex but there are others. I put it on pretty heavy, and do a couple coats. It really brings the picture to life. I have 3 more of Robb's pictures started and will post pictures when I get them finished. And here I figured everyone was probably tired of seeing what I am doing by now ;)

  • Ambassador

WOW! Absolutely fabulous!

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