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Hello guys,


I'm experimenting a bit doing some guitar leather straps, using 4mm veg tan, the leather piece i got is not really hard, but i would like for it to be a bit more softer and malleable.

Been trying with coconut oil, vaseline and horse grease (At least that is the name in spanish, i will put a picture of it)

In my inexperienced hands all three seems to soften it a bit, i applied once in the front and once in the back, also vaseline is the one that darken the less the leather so i think is better for the next step.

After that i would apply some dye and then Tan Kote to seal it.

Am i going near the right direction? any tips? apply more than one hand for better results? how much to wait between the product and the dye?


Thanks in advance!


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I make lots of straps and found that Leather Balm with Atom Wax (Fiebings product) works well. I apply liberally with a piece of sheep's wool that I have trimmed about 1/2  height. Apply with a firm, circular motion. I apply the back and then the front. I then take it an roll the strap bent over a smooth edge of the bench or a round bar to work the fibers. It will usually go from stiff and dry to floppy and flacid!.
I've also had similar results with MInk Oil Paste.

This is done after tooling, dying etc.

If the leather is super dry, I'll lightly oil it with some NFO first. Then the tooling, dying, etc.

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Thank you!! i will do some tries today that way and see if i can get that leather balm too.

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Just wondering, what about beeswax? i have lots of it that i had for a wood project

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21 hours ago, ivan7342 said:

Hello guys,


I'm experimenting a bit doing some guitar leather straps, using 4mm veg tan, the leather piece i got is not really hard, but i would like for it to be a bit more softer and malleable.

Been trying with coconut oil, vaseline and horse grease (At least that is the name in spanish, i will put a picture of it)



If your intent is to soften it, you need to look at 100% anhydrous Lanolin or NFO ( not compound). Be careful not to use too much NFO, you don't want to saturate the leather with it. Coconut oil is a conditioner and will darken leather more than other natural oils. Vaseline is a petroleum product or in simple terms, mineral oil. I don't advise using vaseline/mineral oil. Its tackiness will also attract dirt and clog the leather up. The last product from what I could tell is a Dubbin, which to me , means its a waterproofer type product used on boots/outdoor type of equipment using animal tallows. Good for waterproofing boots and jackets, not so great for softening leather. 

Beeswax is usually used with other ingredients, like coconut oil, sweet almond oil, etc,  and is a conditioner as well as a protectant/mild waterproofer/sealer. By itself, it's not going to make your leather softer.  

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Haha, it's clear that nothing that i have atm will serve me on this, i will check that NFO stuff and where to get it.


  • 5 weeks later...

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