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Two Walking Foot Sewing Machines for Sale

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I sold my last Retail Shop, buyers went bankrupt still owing me money so I got back several of my machines   I have a Singer 111-155 Walking Foot and a Consew 225 Walking Foot and one sewing table with a Brand new Servo Motor.  Will sell either machine (Head Only) 0r pair up either with table.  Head Only $300  each or Either machine and table combo for $495. I will sell all three for $ 725.  Items can be picked up in Raleigh, NC.  or I will do the labor to pack for shipping but buyer is responsible for shipping cost.  Based on numbers I see on the internet these prices are below average !  Need to clean out storage bin ! Both machines work great and have been maintained and Professionally serviced in last 6 months. If you need a picture I will email you from cobblerman@hotmail.com Thank you !

Note: This is the first time I have advertised them, wanted to give someone on LEATHERWORKER.NET first shot at them,  if the have a need.  If not sold here I will advertise the here in NC for a higher price.

Edited by cobblerman
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