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Variable Speed controller for Consew

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Hello all, Ive searched and searched but could not find an answer to my question. I recently obtained a Consew 206rb-4 sewing machine. It came with the standard motor that takes off like a bat out of hell with the slightest touch of the peddle. I was wondering instead of purchasing a servo motor would a less expensive variable speed power controller work  to slow down the speed as shown in the image or would it damage the motor by not supplying enough power. Thanks in advance for any input



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No. You obviously have a clutch motor, which is a single phase induction motor. There is no known easy/cheap way to slow these down electronically. The best way to control a sewing machine is with a servo motor, fortunately they are relatively cheap these days.

An alternative, if you want to keep the clutch motor, is via pulleys. Fit the smallest pulley you can to the motor and make/buy a speed reducer to fit between the motor and the machine head. Not as effective as a servo, of course.

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