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I got some light brown Fiebings but in applying- not even. If I do multiple coats each gets darker and before you know it- too dark.  I have been thinking of putting a drop or two of dye in neat's-foot oil, etc. Any suggestions?

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You could try NFO prior to dyeing, some folks have pretty good success doing that. Light coat of NFO, wait an hour, then dye. Some also mist their leather with water immediately before dyeing and get decent results as well. Also, the Fiebings Pro-Dye applies far more consistent; not sure which variant you are using... If all else fails and you can't get consistency, airbrushing it on seems to be the least fail method I've ever tried. I don't mind a little inconsistency though but I can totally see why people strive for completely consistent dyeing.

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I would like to air brush. Just don't have the setup for it now.  I dip dye what I can.  For me, it has given me the most consistent results.  I use Feibing's Pro dye.  It does use a lot more dye that way, and clean up can be a burger.  But the results are good for me.  Prior to that, I was using the wool dauber approach.  For small pieces, that works fine, but the larger the leather, the more splotchy it became.

  • CFM
7 minutes ago, PastorBob said:

  For small pieces, that works fine, but the larger the leather, the more splotchy it became.

I found that also, now I don't fight it I either air brush or I Use a piece of natural sponge that produces a mottled/ splotchy job but it looks to be a lot more natural splotchyness.  i learned the technique from water color painting. I agree dip dying is about the only other way for a nice even job.

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