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Moldy Veg Tanned leather

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I recently acquired a nice bunch of mostly Veg Tanned leather...some of the rolls have what I assume to be mold or mildew in s few spots...is there any thing I can use to remove this without damaging the leather...I figured I would try and brush as much as I can with a brush that won't leave any marks, but after that I'm not sure what I can clean the rest of it off with...Thanks in advance...

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13 hours ago, Dalemilam said:

I recently acquired a nice bunch of mostly Veg Tanned leather...some of the rolls have what I assume to be mold or mildew in s few spots...is there any thing I can use to remove this without damaging the leather...I figured I would try and brush as much as I can with a brush that won't leave any marks, but after that I'm not sure what I can clean the rest of it off with...Thanks in advance...

Bathroom tub and tile mildew cleaner in small amounts then oil it this has worked for me.

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You can try oxalic acid. 2 teaspoons to a pint of water.

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you may try vinegar but do a test sample i've never tried it on leather. Vinegar kills most molds and is used on dried meats, cheeses and such to kill the molds.

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