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Axe sheath/ cover help

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5 hours ago, MtlBiker said:

I cut a strip for the welt and wet formed it to follow the contour.  When dry, I glued it onto the back piece (the back has the flap). 

I wish I'd thought of that. I cut all my welts to fit, which is a pain. At least with sheaths. Holsters, the welt makes a turn at the bottom such that I make two parts to the welt. Such a simple solution.

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44 minutes ago, chuck123wapati said:


glue the pieces of welt together chisel or make your holes then skive into a wedge.

Yes, skive. (Because, now that you've perfected over -pounding rivets, (my personal strong suit), you can learn to screw up skives, right?) Sorry, flashbacks to my first attempt at skiving. The outside pieces can be skived pretty far on the inside edge, as the welt is taking the edge of the blade. And, rivets are a nice touch, but with today's threads that won't rot away in a few years, the rivets are there in case the stitching fails. And, they're pretty. With practice...

One more comment on skiving, sharp as hell is not nearly sharp enough. Sharp tools in general are very important in leatherwork. (Also in other things, I'm told). And with leather tools, the skiver is right up there in importance, re: sharpness. More expensive skivers/round knives hold an edge better than cheap, conversely, cheaper ones work, but stropping after each cut is almost needed with those.

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Whenever I did anything with a welt I cut it over wide, trimmed the inside to fit and let the rest overhang to the outside. That was just cut off at the trimming stage

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That'll work!

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42 minutes ago, fredk said:

Whenever I did anything with a welt I cut it over wide, trimmed the inside to fit and let the rest overhang to the outside. That was just cut off at the trimming stage

Good suggestion.  Thank you.

1 hour ago, alpha2 said:

I wish I'd thought of that. I cut all my welts to fit, which is a pain. At least with sheaths. Holsters, the welt makes a turn at the bottom such that I make two parts to the welt. Such a simple solution.

I can't take credit for that, unfortunately.  I got that from the Weaver video I linked to.

1 hour ago, alpha2 said:

One more comment on skiving, sharp as hell is not nearly sharp enough.

That's something that I'm really working on.  I'm getting better, but certainly not good enough yet.  Besides sharpening my skiving knives, I'm even trying to sharpen my awls.  And someone earlier in another thread suggested that even leather needles for machines should be sharpened.  That would certainly be going overboard for me at this stage in my (un)skill set.


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