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Adler 467 FA 373 / G2 HP (Air Lift Cylinder)

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I am having a terrible time locating a replacement air lift cylinder for my Adler 467 FA 373 / G2 HP. When cold, the foot will hardly lift to get anything under it. Does anyone have suggestions where to find this online or an actual part number?

Thank you! Josh

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When I had to replace the leaking air cylinder on my Kansai special, I was not able to find the exact replacement at a reasonable price. Everyone told me that it is a custom-made product.

I ended up buying a Festo cylinder off of eBay. It was slightly different, with a different diameter thread, and I ended up turning its locking nut on a lathe, to create a step that fit the bracket. I did not have to because it would still hold tight, but I thought that since I can I would center it exactly at the same spot as the original.

Ended up paying US$17 for it, after having been quoted anywhere from $90 to $600.

This should give you the idea: https://www.google.ca/search?q=FESTO+AIR+CYLINDER+DSN-25-25-P&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdgaOH3Zb2AhWqTN8KHZVRCE8Q_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1530&bih=840

Edited by DrmCa

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2 hours ago, jthroneburg said:

When cold, the foot will hardly lift to get anything under it.

Three things I can think of that may cause this....first, is the presser foot shaft well lubricated? Second, is the air supply supplying the right psi pressure to start. It may be a regulator problem. Third, as a temporary fix try and get a few drops of oil into everything that moves on the air lift cylinder. On one I have I put a few drops on the rod occasionally and that seems to soak in a swell the seal enough to keep it going for a few weeks at a time. Another thing to watch for is that the switch that activates the ram is not bypassing the air and releasing it in the wrong direction.

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