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Leather legal briefcase

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I have a leather legal briefcase from 27 years ago. I love it but the leather is getting worn and I need a new one (clients are starting to wonder . . .). It was originally made by a saddle maker in Virginia but I can't find them anymore.


Anyway, it is a very simple design: There are two types of leather. 1. Very firm and rigid leather for the outside and soft, supple leather separating the two sections. It has two pockets on the outside. It closes with a very low tech system: it flaps over and two slots fit into two stainless steel squares that are attached to the front. Then, a long thin piece of leather fits through the stainless steel squares to hold it closed.

I am looking for someone to make one using this as a model. I could even send the old one to be used as a pattern. Anyone interested? Any guestimate on the cost? I'll send a pix if anyone shows interest. Frankly, these briefcases would be a great design to ressurrect. They are light when empty and hold a ton of stuff. They could be made to fit a laptop perfectly.

If interested, you can email me at collins@kahnsmith.com




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I'm sure, any one of us would like to give it a go, The hard part will be your choosing one...lol.

Take a look at Esantoro's posts, and his "Maverick" bags. They are super.


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This is a similar style of briefcase that I made for Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger. I have made three for him like this... different colors and one tooled.




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This is a similar style of briefcase that I made for Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger. I have made three for him like this... different colors and one tooled.



Beautiful bag, Keith.

Just now visited your website. Fantastic work. How does one go about ordering the Chief Executive package?


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Hi Ed,

It is easy to order, Just send Money!

I have a black and silver set in stock, and build the gold mounted sets to order. Most of these are made to order to the customers preference. Each one is designed specifically for each individual. They don't have to be complete sets, you can have just one piece. I make some with totally different silver and gold trim styles.


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I can't wait to someday get to go through the store. I can pretend I'm in Roy's tack room!


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It is easy to order, Just send Money!


Short, Simple and to the point..... Gotta love it! :banana:


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