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Chap Pattern Help Please

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I have several different chap patterns from Tandy and from Dusty Johnson. There are 3 different style patterns on one large pattern sheet. How in the world do I transfer these patterns to cardboard or the like without having to buy the patterns 3 times to get use of all 3 patterns.

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One thing you can do is go to JoAnn's, . . . take their 40% off coupon, . . . buy two yards of their cheap vinyl, . . . should be enough there to cut out all three patterns, . . . or at least pretty close to enough. You can trace through the paper onto the vinyl with a blunt stylus, . . . it leaves a sort of a groove, . . . so you can see where to cut.

Works for me anyway.

May God bless,


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What I tell those that buy my patterns is to tape the patterns to like a large window then get poster board and trace it right on to the poster board, do this when he sun is out strong. That way you will always have your patterns to use if you need new ones. You can also go to like Staples and have them make a copy for you on their big copier. There is one more way that is to buy my patterns :oops: did I just say that LOL Sorry just had to.

I hope this helps


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Go to the stationery store and buy some Carbon paper. I use it all the time.

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Many woodworker supplies catalogs list carbon paper in extra large size for tracing out project plans.

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I had a set of patterns from tandy that were the one pattern/3 style on one sheet. what i did was cut the largest style out of paper, traced it onto a large piece of poster board, then kept trimming at the dotted lines, tracing on poster board after each one. You will trash your first pattern set, but the poster board ones will be more usable anyways.

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at the grocery store...ask in the Meat Dept if they would give you some Butcher Paper

then trace the pattern out. then glue to what you want to. This is what i have did many times.

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