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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Lobo you have inspired me. A friend and coworker asked me to modify a knife sheath and just for practice I made him a new sheath. He has a Redhawk just like mine so I can use it for a model and I decided too make a Threepersons holster for him to try and polish up some of my old skills that I haven't used in the last 20 yrs. I'll take some pictures and maybe I'll learn how to post them I would like some feed back. I had to take 4 aspirins for the stitching on the sheath we will see how many it takes to loosen up my arthritic fingers for the holster. Lee
  2. Hi all, is there any one on this site who is familiar with a Mike McMullen who owned and operated a custom boot shop in Grand Rapids MN back in the 70's and 80's? I used to buy his custom moccasin style hunting boots from him and all of a sudden he disappeared. I was curious if anybody on this board knew of him and his whereabouts?
  3. Q could make one for James Bond, plus it would fit both a PPK or an Auto Mag.
  4. Yes, all the gear had the same so it would fit on the belt. I'm jusy going to make mine. I just received some needles made by Osborne and am ready to start some warm up projects. It's been over 20 yrs. since my last leather project so I'm staring out with some gift projects for friends.
  5. I know it's been a while since I started this thread. Well heres the update, I got my BFR two weeks ago and have been spending all my free time developing loads for it:thumbsup: I have also been mulling over in my head different designs for my rig. I remember years ago I think it was in Guns and Ammo an article by Jeff Cooper on holster rigs. One of them was a rig pretty similar to what I want to build. What sticks out the most is that the flap on the holster has a steel insert that bends around the front of the gun cased in leather of course that will keep the flap from catching on brush and flipping open. I've decided to go ahead with the wire swivels and am going to start in about a week. I'm sure I'll be bugging you guys with alot of stupid questions as the project progresses. Lee
  6. Sorry for getting back so late on the reply Lobo but I just got back in town. Thank you for the offer but I have a couple military knives that have the swivels that I can use for patterns, I hope that when I'm done that I can figure out someone with a digital camera that can post some pictures here. Lee
  7. The belt is not made out of suede its a leather money belt. A 4 or 5 ounce blank of leather that is cut double wide and then folded in half and sewn to make a gum belt about 2.5 inches wide, flesh side out. Lee
  8. Thanks I'll probably make them. I intend to make the belt with a row of grommetted holes across the bottom border and load bearing suspenders. Somethings will hang others will slide on. Twenty five years ago I was treed by a pack of dogs while I was out inspecting my property and I'm not 31 any more. My wife and I are in the process of moving back out in the country for our retirement and I've always wanted to make an Army style belt rig out of leather. Lee
  9. Hi all, I have a new pistol on order a BFR five shot revolver in .45 Colt. What I plan on building is a real utilitarian holster and belt rig. It will be a full flap holster and I would like to attach it with swivels military style. Do any of you people know where I can buy the swivels or should I make them? There are a number of items that I will be making cases for so I would like about a dozen swivels. This will be a general utility belt that I will be using to carry gear for all day jaunts in the north woods of Minnesota. Lee
  10. Back around 80 or 81 when I had a 1911 I bought a chapman high ride. The steel insert was just the sight channel and the screws were belt tensioners not for gun retention, I could loosen the screws slide it on the belt then tighten and the rig would hold fast in the same posistion on the belt when running around playing shootem up on an I.P.S.C course. Lee
  11. Lee

    Decent tools

    Thank you thank you, its good to know I have choices other than Tandy. Lee
  12. Lee

    Decent tools

    Thank you for the link. I just finished a knife sheath for a patch knife that i just made and I went through 3 needles to complete the job!! These needles seem like they are made out of lead. I even had one break of at the eye pulling through 3 layers of 4 oz. leather. Lee
  13. Hi just signed on to this group a couple of days ago. I must say this is a very eclectic group, everything from porn to aero space. I'm four years away from retirement as a rail conductor. After I retire I hope to build muzzle loading rifles and leather goods when I have the time to do them justice. Lee
  14. Hi I'm new here. I believe it depends on the political climate that you live in. Overall if you want to defend your self and not spend the rest of your life in court fighting your local government or the family of the "victim" your best bet is an un altered revolver with factory ammo, anything else says you think about shooting too much. An S&W model 24 with factory .44 spl. ammo would do the trick, if a person is willing to expend the time and money to get good at shooting. Lee
  15. Lee

    Decent tools

    Hi all I'm a bit frustrated today. After a long hiatus from leather work and shooting I have decided to get back into the game. A year ago I bought a flintlock parts set and built a rifle out of it. I then decided to pick up some supplies from the MPLS Tandy store so I could create some leather accessories and today I dove in. I can't believe the Chinese junk they sell!!!! One of the sewing needles I can bend into a pretzel with just my thumb and pinkie and thats not an exageration!!! The awl is not much better. Where can I get decent tools. Lee
  16. God dag Knut. My grandfather on my fathers side immigrated from Soderhamn. My mothers father immigrated from a little island in the folk district of Trondelag called Froya in Norway. Lee
  17. Cloquet just west of Duluth
  18. Hello to all. My name is Lee and I have decided to start up leather work again after more than 20 yrs. of being away from the hobby. Its been along time so I doubt that I will have much to offer other than questions but I hope that will eventually change. Lee
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