Looking for any of these on my list:
Glock 30
Glock 17 22 31
Glock 20 21
Glock 19 23 32
Glock 26 27 33
Glock 36
XD 3"
1911 3, 4, 4.25, 5
Sigs 229, 239 and 230/2
Browning HP
Let me know what you have. Thanks. sales@10xleather.com.
Looking for these particular models.
2" J-frame
Glock 30
Glock 17 22 31
Glock 20 21
Glock 19 23 32
Glock 26 27 33
Glock 36
XD 3"
1911 3, 4, 4.25, 5
Sigs 239 and 230/2
Browning HP
Contact me via email sales@10xleather.com or give me a call 253-306-5986. Thanks.
I am interested in buying these two blue guns. If you have one for sale, let me know. I am about to purchase new but thought I would post here first. Contact me at sales@10xleather.com. Thanks.
Gotcha. I think I want one of the ones in the middle picture in your original post. I need it to burnish holsters. I like the look of that groove that is flat in the middle. Thanks.
Im going to pick one of those presses up from Harbor Freight. I have a 20% off coupon to boot. I have already ordered the 40d rubber. I think I like the way this works. Thanks for the ideas.