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Everything posted by 10x

  1. Looking for any of these on my list: J-frame Glock 30 Glock 17 22 31 Glock 20 21 Glock 19 23 32 Glock 26 27 33 Glock 36 XD 3" 1911 3, 4, 4.25, 5 Sigs 229, 239 and 230/2 HK P7M8 Browning HP Let me know what you have. Thanks. sales@10xleather.com.
  2. Looking for these particular models. 2" J-frame Glock 30 Glock 17 22 31 Glock 20 21 Glock 19 23 32 Glock 26 27 33 Glock 36 XD 3" 1911 3, 4, 4.25, 5 Sigs 239 and 230/2 HK P7M8 Browning HP Contact me via email sales@10xleather.com or give me a call 253-306-5986. Thanks.
  3. I am interested in buying these two blue guns. If you have one for sale, let me know. I am about to purchase new but thought I would post here first. Contact me at sales@10xleather.com. Thanks.
  4. Does any one know where I can find the barrel side only in 8-32 thread that is 1/4 high?
  5. Is that the rough side out on the rear side? I like that.
  6. Gotcha. I think I want one of the ones in the middle picture in your original post. I need it to burnish holsters. I like the look of that groove that is flat in the middle. Thanks.
  7. Have you figured out a way to screw one of these burnishers onto a 1/2" arbor on a bench buffer?
  8. Do you mold and bone the shark, or just the leather up to the edge of the shark?
  9. Im going to pick one of those presses up from Harbor Freight. I have a 20% off coupon to boot. I have already ordered the 40d rubber. I think I like the way this works. Thanks for the ideas.
  10. Any chance of seeing the inside of your press? Thanks.
  11. I use it everyday also. I really like the feature that allows you to have your postal carrier pick up your shipment.
  12. I read somewhere that they were required to be unloaded.
  13. Anyone have any experience with this? Anyone know where to find a used one at? Thanks in advance.
  14. I have been very happy with ZW's strap leather. Never used Tandy. I have always been told to just bite the bullet and use the good stuff.
  15. I am looking to purchase a new head/round knife. I want something different than the standard Osborne/Shuleman(sp) ones. So lets see those customs out there and also state who made them. Thanks.
  16. Has anyone tried using a arbor press to set the copper rivets?
  17. Does he make a strap cutter by chance?
  18. 10x

    Strap cutter

    I was looking at the hand crank style. Just because I heard that it is difficult to cut heavy strap leather with one of the little hand version.
  19. 10x

    Strap cutter

    I have read allot of threads here. Do those strap cutters work very good on the heavier leather?
  20. 10x

    Strap cutter

    New to the site. I have been looking at buying a Weaver strap cutter. What other options are out there? I need it to cut 1.25" straps out of 12/13 oz strap leather. Thanks for your help.
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