Well, this looks like a friendly, informative place!
My name is Jan, and I have way to many tools!
Ok, let me start again.
I am a middle aged, horse loving married lady, who works full time at a day job, and stumbled into a leather business a few years back. My family consists of a hubby, 1 dog, 2 cats, and 3 horses, living at home, and 2 step sons, grown up, living on thier own.
We live in the south western corner of Canada, in the fraser valley, an hour or so from Vancouver.
Interests are mainly horses, riding, camping with horses in the mountains, playing with cattle on horses, and of course leatherwork.
I love fixing western saddles.
So, about 4 years ago, I was at our local tack fixin place. It was a shop in a basement of a house, run by an 84 yr old fellow. He mentioned to me that he was fixin to sell everything, and retire from it all. I inquired on the price, had NO clue if it was a deal or not, and went home.
I just couldnt get it out of my mind. Now, I have the most supportive hubby in the world, and he encouraged me to go for it. (He had no clue on the value of it either)
So we bought all of it, and spent a full weekend moving everything home, 20 min away. We made a few trips with a friends horse trailer, and our truck.
We have a large shop here, 35 X 50, and it takes up half of that. I have been using the things I know how too, I was shown a few things, strap cutting, rivit setting, and basic sewing machine operation, but there are some machines I have no clue about.
I will post pictures later on with specific questions in the proper threads, about all of my "unknowns"
Untill I get there, here is a partial list of the machines I (mostly) know about.
(ant)-stands for antique, in this thread.
Juki pro 2000 sewing machine,
2 (ant) creasers, on floor stands
3 kick presses, bench mounted
-eyelet setter (ant)
-embosser (very ant) wieghs about 100 lbs
-snap setter?????
The above machines have all kinds of attachments for them, and I will be asking for help on these.
2 splitters
-osbourne approx 8 inch
-landis 6 inch (ant)
1 landis cutter (ant)
1 table top machine that you plug in , it heats up, and you can type-set letters in it. It will burn them in, or use it cold with gold/silver leaf.
a box of about 30 hand tools, all woden handled, stuff like edgers, groovers, creasers, various knives etc.
a couple of drawers of drive punches. Strap end, bag, round, concho, etc etc. Sized tiny to huge, mostly osbourne.
a punch table/bench for them
1 lg & 1 small pinking cutter (ant) (lg would do the edge of harness "saddle" felt, sm would do edge of suede on a western saddle seat.)
A couple of cast iron hand rivet setters, could be mounted on the bench, about 8 inches tall.
1 beautiful brass and steel plow knife I cut straps with.(push type)
Another starp cutter, pull type, never used it (ant)
1 cast iron hide holder, mounted on the end of the cutting table, will hold the hide while I cut it.
about 100 stamping tools.
tens of thousands of spots
too much hardware to get into, as well as cabinets, drawers and bins to hold it all.
Since then, I got offered to buy another sewing machine recently, turned out to be 2 of them.
1-sewing machine & table WSM-tdu-n62
1-american boot stitcher
Both of these were from our local shoemaker, many pairs of loggers boots were fixed on that stitcher. I have plugged them in, they do run, havent used them.
Hubby shaved off about 2 lbs of wax off the stitcher, while cleaning it up.
Please ask for pics of any of this, if you want to see it, and I will work on that.
Sure am glad Hubby found me this forum!