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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Looking to upgrade from your manual clicker to a TIppmann? Let's talk! The sale of the holster biz will be settled shortly and I have a spare clicker, it's used but taken care of as much as an air powered device needs care! What I need is a manual clicker, sorta like the ones that Weaver has. I have a few smaller projects that would be IDEAL for that sort of thing. Let's talk if you want to wheel and deal. (and I could use other items too, try me). Fastest response is at : andy@andysleather.com Thx, Andy
  2. Andy

    WTB: Adler 69

    Adler found. Thanks for the tips! (ye all ROCK!). A spare Pfaff is still needed. 335 or similar. THANKS!
  3. Andy

    Hand crank cutter

    Link to pics and auction: (email me here or at the business if you want any of this) http://www.ebay.com/sch/alanglois/m.html?item=222451759464&hash=item33cb287968%3Ag%3AbksAAOSwsW9Y1tVZ&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  4. Andy

    Hand crank cutter

    This my spare, spare, spare cutter. Why, because I am a total tool/equipment whore... It needs a home. Let me snap a photo and upload shortly. Nice and sharp, cuts nicely, longer throat for those deep cuts (I used it for holsters and such). $700? Located in NC, pickup would be awesome or I can drop it off at a UPS store if you want to deal with the shipping aspect of it. Regards, Andy ( inbox me at: andy@andysleather.com for detailed pics).
  5. I have some oddball blades in one of my cutters, does any one have a source? Thanks in advance. Andy
  6. Filter everything. Give your guns a good clean up and needle the ports, orifices and such. See if they spray paint thinner/reducer. This'll be thinner than a water based product. Adjust out from there for water and try it. The local hardware store sells cheapo paint strainers, get a pile of them and use them every time you go to fill the cup/feed bottle. Andy
  7. Good morning, I am just back from spending a week in Ireland with Conor Holder from https://www.holdenleathergoods.com/ (click the course link) . It was superb. I learned so much, used some nice machines and learned tips and tricks that I never would have learned otherwise. Note: I've been in the leather biz for 25+ years and at the top of my game for what I do. This class humbled me (which I needed). I went in to learn and did so. Holden put up some photos on his site, good stuff. I'll rummage through my camera and notes and post some action shots. Regards, Andy www.andysleather.com www.shottist.com
  8. Andy

    WTB: Adler 69

    All, Seeking a decent 69 or newer 669 for the shop. Have anything? Let's talk! Pfaff 335 considered as well. Please email me direct: andy@andysleather.com Thx, Andy
  9. Engine, It's for sale. Pop me an email at : andy@shottist.com I'll PM you here too. Regards, Andy
  10. All, I have moved to NC and this business is still for sale. I'm still in the same quandry of running two businesses with little time for anything else. Want to be a holster maker? Let's talk. I'm REALLY flexible on pricing and such. Link to informational pages on the sale: http://leathershopforsale.com/ Regards, Andy
  11. All, I run a couple of businesses out of my shop, a rifle sling biz and the holster shop. I cannot support both with the time needed and am putting the holster side of things up for sale. This is EVERYTHING needed, web site, equipment, inventory, show items (cases, gridwall etc), leather, dies, patterns, Adler, clicker, line machine and edging machines. A "biz in a box". I've been doing this for 20+ years and have a PILE of stuff to go with it. Compiled photos and such are here: http://leathershopforsale.com/ Please contact me directly with any questions and such. Regards, Andy
  12. No interest in this? It'll be going into the dumpster if no one needs it! Andy
  13. FYI: I filled a 16 by 16 by 20" box FILLED to overflowing with these scraps. Will swap/trade/barter if you can use it. Andy
  14. I'll be clicking out a PILE of items this weekend and will have a pile of suede scraps, some small, some 4-9" by 3-4++ inches. I usually get 10-20 pounds of scrap each time I do this. Need it? Make an offer! Andy
  15. Andy

    Morpan Strap Cutter

    Here are a few photos, quick change head for zippy swaps of the blades and spacers. Always run on synthetic greases and oils. Any raw steel parts have been epoxy coated. Runs awesome. Regards, Andy
  16. Andy

    Morpan Strap Cutter

    Will do! Let me figure out the photo thing here and get some up! Andy
  17. Andy

    Morpan Strap Cutter

    Howdy Folks, Does anyone have any interest in this cutter? Andy
  18. Andy

    Adult Biz For Sale

    Fellow LeatherFolks, I have had a TON of inquiries about the biz, lot's of folks want it but cannot come up with the $. Pricing: $3000 for a running biz, inventory, URL, Free advice for a reasonable period etc. I am on track for a decent year for this business (I run it as a standalone adjacent to my holster biz). $16K+ so far this year. Any interest/takers? Andy
  19. Seeking a Sailrite sewing machine with the Zig Zag feature. A chinese knock-off/repro would suffice for my projects. Please email me direct at: andy@shottist.com if you have one. Thanks, Andy
  20. Grey, I use an Adler 205 and LOVE it... I have used some of the clones, a few lockstiches and settled on the Adler for most of my needs. I am sure a clone would suffice for the $. Andy
  21. Andy

    Adult Biz For Sale

    Bump.... Any interest in this biz? Andy
  22. PM's and emails replied .... most of these dummies are available. Email direct for fastest response: andy@shottist.com Regards, Andy
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