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About Tyrel

  • Birthday 11/21/1981

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  • Interests
    learning all that i can

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none yet, mabe someday saddles
  • Interested in learning about
    Saddles, Trees, and Tooling
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I will take them.
  2. Pm sent
  3. Pm sent
  4. What are they going for? I have a couple I might consider selling.
  5. Great job! It looks better than my 50th saddle. Keep up the good work, -Ty-
  6. You might look into a landis 1. I have seen some around pretty cheap. 600-900.
  7. Thank you guys, I will call Springfield and Sheridan Leather and see what they have.
  8. Does anyone know where I can find some 6-7, 7-8, or 8-9 chap leather with some body? I build a lot of AZ leggins and its really hard finding the heavy stuff. Thanks, Ty
  9. Hi Ross, I have a Jueschke basket stamp that I would trade you strait across if you still have it.
  10. Sorry, but they are sold. Texas custom dies is the best place that i have found to buy new dies. Thanks. Ty
  11. Sure is a good lookin rig! How are you liking Sonny's trees? I just orderd one for myself. Thank you for posting, Ty
  12. I listed these dies on ebay if any one is interested. Thanks, Ty
  13. Ron thanks for the compliment, most Az hand call that a good year rope strap once they put a ring of rubber on. The hand hole is plenty big, just the angle of the picture. Thanks again, Ty
  14. Thanks Ken roughouts are my favorite! there is still some room for error. I'm still not good enough to build a real clean smoothout saddle like most saddlemakers (usually need some stamping to cover up all of my marks) Thank you Bob, I punch the holes on the binding with my machine before I strech it on. It seems to help. Howdy CW , I didn't make it to Wickenburg either. I sure wanted to take bob parks class and visit some people, just couldn't pull together the money. My shop isn't much to see but your more than welcome to stop in if you ever make it out this way. Thank you JW, hope your doing good and keepin busy.
  15. Mike,Thank you for the kind words.
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