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Everything posted by TomPetty

  1. Thanks for the kind words. I make several of these for shows I go to and sell them with the knife but if the customer doesn't want the knife I knock off a little.
  2. Here are some I've made up lately.
  3. I live a few miles south of you in Missouri and was wondering if you are selling other items as I already have this same sewing machine and mine has done me well also.
  4. Please add me to the list, thanks
  5. I'm interested if Rick backs out. PM sent Tom
  6. Thanks for the heads up, I sent an email for a copy. I got a copy of thier mag. a few years back, nice mag. Thanks Tom
  7. Hi, I have been wanting to do some pinecone work for a friends job I'm working on and just can't get them the way I want and was wondering if anyone might have some pointers, recommended tools or a tutorial on the subject. Any help would be greatful. Thanks Tom
  8. Hi, I'm in need of a pattern or pointed in the right direction with propper measurements for a briefcase I need to make for my nephews that are graduating from college this fall. What I'm looking to make them is a two compartment design for thier laptop & mics. Any ideas or patterns are welcome as this will be my first time at something like this. Thanks Tom
  9. Josh, Send me your email address and I can get some pic's sent out tommorrow. Tom
  10. Hi, I use alot of deer antler in my leather buisness but I try and not use the are next the the head and save them for knife makers, I have a few on hand for sale and or trade. If interested just let me know and I can get some pics of what I got. Tom
  11. I to use a beeswax/resin mix like chucks 60/40. It realy helps hold the stitching tight plus it does smell good.
  12. Try PRSMAY, I just ordered mine with free shipping.
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