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Everything posted by Deno

  1. I would have questioned the sponge too. Some come with chemicals in them to add to their shelf life. My dad always used a chunk of natural sponge. They are a bit harder to find and a bit more expensive, but that's what he swore by.
  2. Billy P, Thanks for the info, I did not know that. I will be posting more soon. Thank you everyone.
  3. I see you have the all important nook room at the back, on the left of the one picture. Now you can stay in there all day, lol. Great shop. My best, Dennis.
  4. Sorry for your loss. It is always sad when we lose someone with the passion for the art, I know first hand. My best to you, Dennis.
  5. Yes he loved Black Powder. He made his own pistols and long rifles. If I can find our old Black Powder book I can nail down the year, he was probably about 40 at the time.
  6. This one almost makes me cry. Through out the 60’s, Craftsman Magazine held a yearly contest for their Cover Art. Leather Craftsman from all over submitted their work for the contest. Gene was no different, submitting 4 to 6 works of art every year. Though in 1963 he did not win, the Editors of the magazine were impressed with this piece of work. Called “Winken, Blinken, and Nod” which ran as the cover of the May-June issue in 1964. The tracing pattern is on the inside cover. On page 3 they talk about Gene and have his picture, he was about 31 years old at the time. This one is very special to me because I still remember touching this when I was a kid. This is amazing because I would have been only 1-1/2 years old at the time.
  7. Doodle Pages, OOOHH so many Doodle Pages he did. I and my brother Dan did a few ourselves. As I put things together over time, I will share some with you. Here is one set: Series 12B, pages 3,4,5,6, called Season's End. The first photo is of the pages that I just took. The second is a photo that he took of the original portrait that he did. There was a whole lot of Beveling going on in this one. Has anyone tried to do this one?
  8. Thank you King's X. Sent you a PM. Craftsman827, he was only 75, and he did not go over sea's and entertain, not sure where you heard that, but he did play in a band when he was in the Marines in the early 50's. He played a Martin Guitar, which I still have.
  9. Gene was an avid nature and wildlife enthusiast. Though he gave up hunting with a gun in the 60's, he still went out with his new weapon, the camera. He was a big supporter of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The original Training School for Game Wardens and officers was only 5 miles from our home in Brockway PA. All through the 60's and 70's he produced one of a kind Album Covers for each graduating class. These photos depict the front cover of the June 1979 Game News cover, which is a tooled and died portrait that he did, and an article about him and the Album Covers being held by the 17th graduating class.
  10. I’m starting this thread to honor the memory of a great Leather Craftsman. My name is Dennis Noland, and Gene (Geno) was my father. He pasted away on May 8th, 2008. This will be an ongoing thread where I will be posting from time to time many of the works that he did. I will also try and give any history that I can on each one. Comments and questions are encouraged; please tell me your thoughts. If anyone has attempted or completed any of the works that he did for Tandy, please share your work and comments on them. I will also be posting many works that he did that many people do not know about and are one of a kind. They will not be in any particular order, just posting as I put things together. I want to thank everyone for the opportunity to share this with all, and for this forum allowing me to do so. My best to everyone, Dennis.
  11. Thought I would share the first portrait I ever did back in 1977. The design is by Al Stohlman. My father picked it out for me to do, based upon my skill level at the time. Still brings back memories. My best to all.
  12. Thank you TwinOaks. Yes God's Country is right, Living in the country in the house I grew up in.
  13. Thank you. Brockway PA.
  14. Hello to everyone. My name is Dennis Noland. My father was Gene Noland (Geno), who did a lot of leather crafting through the 60's and 70's. He did a lot of work for Tandy Leather. I did a few myself. My father passed away last year, May 8, 2008. Been thinking of getting back into the craft, though it's been awhile. I was thinking of creating some new works and dedicating them to him. By the way, glad to be here. My best to everyone.
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