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Posts posted by BigRiverLeather

  1. The quality of my dye consistency improved 10 fold when I started airbrushing. A $10 airbrush kit from Harbor Freight and a $55 Badger compressor from a Pawn shop (new compressors are about $69 from Harbor Freight less your 20% off coupon from Guns and Ammo) got me going.

    Brown was my nemesis. Wool daubers made for inconsistent coverage. I've been dipping lately but it still seems the air brush gets the most even coverage and I am able to control the tone of brown which is handy when making matching sets.

    I've had the opposite experience with black that Lobo has had. I always am happy with a order in black. I can slap it on with anything, usually a wool dauber and get consistent finishes. I don't dip in black just because my drying time is much faster when using a dauber.

    I use Feibing's Pro Oil Dye for black and Brown. I mix light and dark brown 50/50 for medium brown. The spirit based leather dyes leave more film on the surface than I care to deal with, just more rubbing and buffing than the oil dye. However, I use Feibing's mahogany a lot and that particular color does not seem to leave very much film.

    I recently received some sample swatches from Angelus. I tried their finishes and liked them so much I wanted to know more about their dyes. Their dyes are spirit base and the samples I received had a fair amount of film on them too. I ended up ordering a gallon of Cordovan from them just because it was so beautiful. Feibings Cordovan is basically black.

    For finish I had been using Resolene cut 50/50. Applying with a sponge was a real PIA. the dyes would want to lift off and I could never seem to get to a point where the leather was sealed and I couldn't rub off dye, even with lots of pre buffing. Once again my problems were solved with the air brushing. After the samples of 600 and 610 finish I got from Angelus I decided to change to that. The drawback with resolene was the tacking feel it would leave no matter what the drying process. Angelus dyes had little or no tacky feel and they seemed to dry faster. So, I ordered a gallon of that with the plan to dip dye. The problem is they cannot ship it when it is freezing so after waiting a couple of weeks I realized it may be March before it would be safe to order since I am in WI. So I picked up a gallon of Super Sheen based on the fact that is is supposed to dry faster than Resolene (and it does) to dip in. I'm pretty satisfied with it but I will be ordering Angelus finish in the spring. Mental not to stock up next fall.

  2. I say I'll need to contact them on getting some samples instead of waiting on a response to see what the differences are in their blacks.

    Angelus also has something called "Special Black No. 507" Which has "additional ingredients that allow the dye to penetrate hard and/or difficult leathers. Normally for professional use only."

    I'll probably look at getting a sample of their Matte and Satin finishes. Though it appears they have two different Satin finishes. One is a "605" and the other is a "615". From what I can tell, it seems the 615 is more of a Satin High Gloss.

    I do like the look of the pro oil black they used on this leather strap:



    What kind of dye prep do you like? I see Angelus has a preparer and deglazer. I don't know if you have to let that stuff dry off before you dye. But Feibings has a dye prep where you rub it in right before you put your dye down. It is supposed to clean the leather and let the dye absorb easier and more evenly. Not sure which would be the better prep to use or if the Feibings would work well with the Angelus dyes?

    It seems the 610 acrylic is the most popular amongst many of the makers so that is what I went with. She sent me 615 which I liked ok and another in an unmarked bottle which I never did find out what it was for sure but I'm guessing it was the 610. I mixed the little bottle with water and dipped some mag carriers and was please with the results.

    For dye prep I've just been using deglazer I pick up at my local Tandy. I think it is Fiebings, not even sure. It dries faster than I move so I've not had any problem in waiting for it before I dye. I think they will work fine with the Angelus.

    Regarding their black, I ordered the 002 (I think?) black. of the three swatches she sent me it was noticeably "blacker" than the others.

    Still waiting for my order to ship. Apparently Paul keeps an eye on the weather and waits for a window of good weather to ship. We don't have good weather windows in Dec/Jan in WI - I hope I don't have to wait too long...

  3. Could I bother you to post a pic of a holster and mold in it with the paracord - basically in the forming process?

    I see the dye(looks like both brown and black) that has rubbed off inside the bag. Do you use a different bag for the different colors of dyed holsters? I would think you would get black transferring onto your brown holsters.

    Nice setup.

  4. Laughing with you, not at you :P It;s going to be a busy weekend. My wife decided for me that I will be going old school and giving hand made gifts (that means leather) for Christmas this year to save money. That, combined with the order deadlines I have means I will be looking forward to Dec. 26th where you will find me in front of the fire, feet up sipping a hot totty ;)

    The most difficult thing is my gifts will be stuff I don't normally make so those don't flow that smoothly. I guess I need a bigger prototype box now!

  5. Yea I think you'll be happy with it. Let us know what the differences between the blacks they have. With fiebings I can buff all day and still get rub off and the angelus seemed to set in really well and require very little buffing. The only reason I didn't get more was because Springfield only sold it in 3 oz bottles which don't last very long at all. I like to order as much as I can from the same place to save on shipping but I'm going to try the place mentioned earlier for larger bottles.

    I'm switching to all Angelus Products as we speak. I would recommend contacting Angelus directly which I've done at the suggestion of a couple of other top notch holster makers. I asked for some samples so I could compare against Feibings and their own individual products. She sent me a whole box of 3 oz bottles, 600, 610 acrylic, brown acrylic, black acrylic (though I do REALLY like black resolene, makes black BLACK!) and black edge finish. I immediately realized I needed to make the switch from resolene. I really like the 610 which is supposed to be a high gloss, but IMO it is not as glossy as Resolene. A customer sent me a Del Fatti mag carrier he wanted me to duplicate for him and man, is the finish on that thing nice. Through the grapevine I've been told by someone he gave the tip to that he is using 600 Angelus, buffed with a horsehair wheel and renaissance wax. The horsehair wheel must be the ticket, gotta get me one of those


    After the service I got with that I decided I wouldbe switching my dyes too. I also noticed they have several blacks. I asked for some samples and not wanting to make themfeel like I was taking advantage of them I just asked for some leather swatches that had been dyed. I will put a finish coat on them and determine which black I want as well as the other 1/2 dozen color samples I asked for. I got an email yesterday that they are in the mail!

    When I do order, I'm going to order in gallons, at least the acrylic, so that I can effectively dip, cut it 60/40 with water and finish up my hot box for drying. I will need to get a couple of gallons, one for black and one for the browns. Hopefully I can get a third dip mix out of the two gallons, depending on my dip container (I see an excuse to eat someice cream) for mahogany which I get a lot of orders for. If I can settle on a brown, I might get a gallon of that as well for dipping. I think black is fine usingdaubers, then it dries quicker.

  6. Hello BRL, please give me a call at 1-866-962-9880, I will give you some tips that might work. They are too long to post, but if anyone wants to know, then you can call me as well. You can call me on my cell after hours at 1-909-800-1429. Thanks, Steve

    Thanks Steve, I really appreciate the offer. I'm going to put your number in my phone though and I'll be sure to check with you when I need some help, or supplies for that matter.Turns out my problem was the type of needle I was using as many have said here. I had some 180 S needles I used with some 207 thread and I got the straight stitch lines I was looking for. My guess is that when I recall my machine stitcing the straight lines in the beginning, my machine must have been shipped with a S needle. then I replaced it with the Ds I was provided with when it was time. Time to order some different needles.

  7. I've talked with a few makers about finish coats and a couple have said they dip their holsters, sometimes for as much as 2 minutes, in acrylic (one specifically Angelus cut with water 50/50).

    I've considered trying this but I'm concerned about runs. I get enough of that if I overspray with my airbrush, especially on third coats where there is a finish on the leather already.

    If you are dipping, what are your specifics? cut with water? drying method?

  8. OK, here are some pictures. I think the needle is punching the holes in a straight line, it just seems to be the way the thread is laying. I am using a 200 794 D needle that Artisan sent with the machine when I bought it. I'm ready to buy more needles so maybe I will get some of the S needles this time, or as well as the D needles. The D's used to stitch a straight line.

    To the pictures -



    I feel weird about calling Steve for free advice since I did not buy the machine from him. I received good service from Dave at Artisan, though their availability is limited to normal business hours which I am not normally around my machine or available.

  9. When I first got my Toro the stitches sewed in a perfectly straight line. over time it has gone more towards a zig-zag pattern for lack of a better term. You know, like it goes in one side of the hole and comes out the other.What is it that is causing that? I've checked my needle to be sure it is facing the proper direction.

    The "manual" really gives no tips or hints. I wish Artisan would at least put a support section with common tips, tricks and fixes on their website.

    If it matters, I did have the spring fall out of the bobbin case once while winding a new bobbin while I had inadvertently forgot to close the case. I put the spring back in but it doesn't seem the same as what it was. Since I'm not sure of what it was like before I have no point of reference.



  10. I was really hoping to find the answer to my problem here as I am having the same issues. It's unfortunate that I started having this problem on a $200 Elephant belt.

    I think the twisting is when the thread begins to fray it starts unwinding and balling up on the bottom of the leather and the other side of the needle.My needle isn't that old but I'm going to try changing it and run a practice piece. I knew those bellies would be good for something!

    BTW, I'm using 346/277 as I have been for months.

  11. I just bought one of those Al Stohlman knives that are on sale at Tandy. It's a good looking knife, but not polished razor sharp out of the box. It says it only needs to be stropped to use it, but I think it needs a little fine stone work first! I made me a strop glued to a piece of wood and using some jeweler's rouge, and it's not shaving hair on my arm yet!

    For the price, I figured it would be a good starter. But after finding this thread, I wish I'd gotten one from Duey! I sent him an email asking for prices and pictures. If I get any info, I'll post it here.

    This is the one I bought yesterday, I only paid $49.99.


    This is the wholesale link, so not sure if it will work without signing in. Anyway, it's the Al Stohlman Brand Damascus Medium Round Knife

    Has anyone tried one of these?

    I'd be very interested to know if you heard back from Duey. It has been 4 months now since I ordered my knife from him. Many phone calls where I was promised he would get it out to me in the next couple of days.

    I found the same knife at Tandy and picked one up. Yes, it needs tuning which will be a good learning experience for me. Now to find the right stone or maybe I'll go with a convex cut. $50 was to good of a deal to pass up.

    So anyway, once I found that blade I got home and emailed Duey and told him I would like a refund as I was tired of waiting. I have not received a response from him. I guess I'll have to call.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I did receive the blade from Jeff Cook. What a piece of art. I ordered a 3" with a swept wing. Turns out that it was not what I really wanted. The swept wing on that smaller blade made it tough cutting turns. Also, I must need some practice on stropping as it seemed to lose that "cuts like a hot knife through butter" edge and I could not get it back. don't attribute this to the blades ability to hold an edge, but more than likely my stropping and polishing on a whell which may have rolled the edge a bit. Not sure. So, I emailed Jeff and told him about my woes, both with wishing I had not ordered a 3" swept wing and the edge issues. He told me to send it back and he would make me what I wanted which was a 4", Which I did. I should be receiving my new blade any day now.

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