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  1. I have a used Randall Model 132 Strap cutting machine for sale with a base. Blades are spaced to 1 5/8" straps. I have no extra blades or spacers. The machine works great! Has not been used in a while and was not used a lot. Will not ship. Located in Chicago, Illinois area. Please contact me for more info. $950.00 Meg. m.mcguinness@mac.com
  2. Hi... We are having trouble with our dye colors fading. Has anyone used a UV protectant spray for leather? If so what kind of success have you had.... Does anyone have any success making their own custom colors that stay stable over a long period of time. Last question....what are some good water based pigment dyes? Look forward to hearing anyones experiences.....we are at a loss right now. Thanks Meg
  3. thank you for checking them out and the kind words. I just checked out your work and it is beautiful. The motorcycle seat is amazing! And I LOVE those pens that you make. I would love to get one as a gift for my brother. He would totally appreciate the uniqueness of them and be blow away by the fact that they are hand made! I will email you from your blog about pricing if that is cool. Nice work on everything I saw! Meg
  4. Thanks so much Clair, the wall hanging is actually cool in person because it is about 7 ft tall. We tooled it on the biggest dosset of leather we could get. I wish we could have added more to the design, but we were under a time constraint.... Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out! Meg
  5. Hi Alex, thanks for the reply. I have read about the eco-flo dyes and will try them out. I want to try the Satin Sheen out as well......what do you cut that with if you want to spray it? Will that help with dye ruboff if we have antiqued the leather as well? In the event we use it on a chair.... Thanks again....as always this forum and it's members are so generous with their advice. Meg
  6. Thank you so much! thank you.....I actually kept the snake table for my house.....we'll see how long it lasts with 4 kids
  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at the images. Have a great weekend! thank you so much....we have learned so much from this forum. It has been a life saver for many problems we have run into. Meg
  8. I have been so excited to post these because we have learned everything about our leather work from the fabulous people on this site. Many thanks and we continue to throw questions your way and you continue to help us along.... Thanks Meg
  9. Ok I have been reading and rereading about the different ways to dye leather....Here is my problem I keep having. I have been trying to make custom colors. The colors NEVER end up the color we began with. Here is how we apply: We have our finished tooled piece We lightly oil it with neatsfoot oil and let it dry. I then dye the leather.....at this point the leather is the color I want in.... I let it dry and buff the leather Here is where it usually goes awry... I oil it again to seal the color.....is this always necessary? At this point the color darkens and start to bring out some browns.... Before we antique we use bag kote as a resist because I don't like the sheen with the acrylic top coats After the bag kote is applied the leather is then really dark and doesn't dry lighter. We tried to dye a recent project, that I attached, a large wall hanging we tooled an old map onto. We initially dyed this a beautiful grey/blue..... After the steps we usually use the wall hanging ended up very brown.... So my questions... do I have to oil the leather after I dye the leather and before I antique, to seal the color... Are there any other resists that have a more matt finish that will not darken leather? And last can you cut the dye w/ denatured alcohol up to any amount.....will the denatured alcohol ruin the leather? Sorry for the long post.....really need feedback!! Thanks so much Meg
  10. Thank You for the suggestion I will definitely check that out. Meg
  11. Hi Tim I am looking for different ways to dye our leather. Something that is really uniform. I thought I had read about one of the members who made holsters and he dipped his holsters to dye them and then he said he sometimes dyes them by 'flooding' I might have read it wrong.....So I would love to know more about the process od dipping leather to dye it...if there is such a process...and if so what is the process and the drying time and benfits etc. Thanks so much for the help I really appreciate it. Meg
  12. Hi Tim I am hand tooling leather to be installed on a bedroom wall. The overall piece when stitched together will be 12' x 8'. We are using a 5/6 oz leather and we do seem to have a problem getting our tooling to 'pop' more. I was thinking that maybe our cuts were not deep enough. Maybe we are oiling it to much or to rough....we'll see. I'll have to experiment more. I am pretty new to tooling, but I have to say this forum has been a GODSEND! Thanks Meg
  13. This is GREAT. Thanks for posting it! Meg
  14. What is fllooding leather? And how is it done? Does it give better dye coverage than an spraying dye? How about dipping leather? How long does that take to dry? I look forward to hearing more about this process... Thanks so much Meg
  15. Hi Art Thanks so much for the response that's what I'll do. Meg
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