Sure first decide what you want to do, if its boards then lay them out. Make the long straight cuts. I like to then use the tip of the stylus to open them up some and make the cuts deeper, if you hold it almost flat on the leather and push the tip in that helps. After that decide where you want to cut the lengths, and repeatcuts and trick with the stylus. After that I like to make the knots, use a small back grounder and punch them in, the E294 makes a good impression for knots. Then comes the fun part make the grain cuts. You want them to flow, think of the knots as rocks in a stream and try and think how a current goes around them. It seems to help me. Look around find some wood and cut high lights to match, try and vary the depth of the cuts, deep flowing cuts for long ones and shallow taper cuts to add detail. This is also one place where you want to resist the temptation to keep adding more, some of the best peices have like 3 cuts. After all that is done take the stylus and use it to put nail holes at the ends of the boards. Use a spoon and a cut at the edge of a board to make a split, and thats about it. Try a few practise pieces and then dye. Good luck and keep the wrist loose as you make the grain lines.