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Everything posted by C E W

  1. C E W

    Swivel Knife

    I'm looking to make two swivel knives. I need one more ballbearing saddle. I've looked at ebay and google and no luck were can i find one help ????
  2. I got a singer 29-4 I need a part of it. Were is a good place to fin them its the tensioner that i need
  3. can you tell me what i need to know or what books i should look for to make a corset

  4. I'm looking for how to books And pattrens for body armour corset
  5. C E W

    Swivel Knife

    Were can I go to on line to fin parts for a swivel knife I'm looking to make a custom knife for me and I wood like to us a ball dearing finger cradle
  6. C E W


    From the album: here it is

    © © leatherworker.net

  7. I've found a leather glossary for you. If you haven't found one already http://www.natanning.com/natcorpleather_glossary.htm
  8. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/ http://www.knightsof...quaretable.net/ A suggestion on the swivel knife and basic tools. buy theme seperatley the knife that comes with the basic is ok but you'll out grow it and if you got big hands like me that littel knife will not last long. There are two adjustable knife that are more the the basic but less than the al stohlmans. And here away for you to tall if the saleman knows there stuff ask theme about polised blades and if you should straup the blade or see if they even know what a strap is. for qusetioned e-mail me leatherinventedcreations@live.com split is the lower inner or flesh side it's the back side of leather theres no tooling side it is used as a filler
  9. Email meFor starter hi! and for your question sometimes, yes,yes and yes. If there is a glossary for leatherworking I dont know. I've have gotten a lot of my information from friends, they worked at a tandy leather store which is one of the places that you can go to for all of your needs. If the store employee isn't a tandy drone but someone that knows how to do leatherwork and not just sell product, than your in luck, because they have classes that you can take there. Theres a lot of places to go for tools leather and everything else online. It's more of what prices can you get, what quality are you looking for, and how soon do you need it. As it's know there is a mark up on every thing we buy. Even in leather world some places my have good prices on leather and not on tools for an example I posted about a matting tool someone told me were they got there which I was very happy because this tool was no longer made. Six months later, I found them for a lot less than what I got them for. Patterns.... well if your talking about different wallet and belt sizes and shapes, yes and no. There's a lot of patterns out there and online but they can all look the same after a while. Before you start on that kit, go and get some flexible cutting matts from a dollar store and trace the leather patterns out on them. Trace with the grain side down thats the side that you tool on, it's good to have a copy of any of the pattern that you do that way if it no longer made you got a pattern of it. Now if your talking about tooling patterns, there are places to get them but they are just about the same all over the place. All of the craftsman on this site and every were else will tell you to use tracing film. It looks like wax paper and it works if you can trace it, you can tool it Books- there's a lot of books out there. I would suggest "Lacing & Stitching for Leathercraft" its a good book to have as a begginer. I would look online for books. There are some that aren't published any more and those have techniques that have been lost over time. Now when you exhaust your kits you can do one of two things- by another kit or use the suggestion of the cutting matts for a pattern. You can also get a strap cutter. Then you can make as many belts and wallets that you like, infact you can by belt blanks and than you wouldn't need a strap cutter for a while. It all depends on what you want to try next. If you can find a tandy store in your state they do sale scrap veg tan by the pound. These are actually bits and pieces left over from their kits. They are really good peices for you to practice on. Cowhide- Let me start by saying that with all that I' ve wrote here for this reply is my own opinion and I will catch some flack about it, but this is where everyone has the own preference. allright we use all of the cow from the top of the neck to the back of the tail and down to the hoof. Leather is sold by weight and thickness or what is call oz 1 oz is 1/64 of a inch. you can buy leather form 1 to 12oz and there is 8 different ways to buy it. But to make e-z I'll just say order a tandy catalog and open up to page 4 or look on there web site it give the brake down of how,what, where and why. but for now I would say go with shoulder, back, and rears. Quality Quality is based on the cow and the tannery. If a cow gets a cut or a scratches even a mosquitoe bite it will show up in the end. It all depends on what the hide is like before tanning. Tanning the hide is done in different ways. Some ways aren't done any more and some are just hard to find. I have some veg tan that was tanned with pecans and I can say that this was the nicest tooling leather at I have ever used. Leather is like buying a toolboxes (bear with me here ) you want a toolbox so you go to the store and they have 4 different brand name toolboxes C,S,H, and M they look a little diffroint from each other but there all made by the same factory. There is only a few tanneries out there and maybe some smaller ones to. So when you go buy leather and the salesman tells you that this compony makes the high quality leather, it's mainly because they started with a good hide and handled it in the proper way. I've seen piece of good leather go bad form poor shipping. So most hides are veg tan, than they are graded A B C D so on and so forth the high grade the cleaner the price is the lower the more imperfections there are. The price runs accordingly too. When a store tells you that it's a high A grade piece it's not we will never see a piece like that in veg tan there turned into upholstery leather, lining leather, embossed leather, saddle tack leather and stoned oils. Mainly because the cleaner a peice of these four mentioned leather types are, the higher the price. P.s once you start in the world of leathercrafting, you'll look at thinga a lot differently.
  10. C E W


    From the album: here it is

    © © leatherworker.net

  11. C E W


    From the album: here it is

    © © leatherworker.net

  12. C E W


    A man came into the store and asked me if I could make a wallet for his son who was going on his 5th tour over seas. He proceeded to tell me that he went somewhere to get it done. From what he had told me he was over charged, forgot about and they had a misspelled his son's name. Not to mention, the print was extreemly small on a on a vinyal wallet. Normally, it wouldn't bother me that a customer had to learn the hard way on where, what and how to by leather goods, but that pssd me off. You can say whatever you want about this country and gov. And these are the people that make that possible!
  13. C E W


    From the album: here it is

    © © leatherworker.net

  14. C E W


    From the album: here it is

    © © leatherworker.net

  15. C E W


    From the album: here it is

    © © leatherworker.net

  16. Has anyone made there own swivel knife? And if so what did you use. I've got the resources and a idea on how to do it, but what sould I make it out of brass,steel,stainless steel or aluminum.
  17. There is a new leather store in the Merchants Square Mall 1901 S 12th st allentown. I was asked if I knew someone that could show people how to do leather work and advise on what dye's, leather, tools, and soforth that they can use. And who do you think I told to call? Tellina and Jeff, as they are now advising people at the merchants square. So, if you miss the fact that you could go to a leather shop and get good info on how to get the effect that your looking for, or what good tool to us go to the merchants square mall and look for Knights of the Square Table or go to their web site http://www.knightsofthesquaretable.net/
  18. We were at a flea market and stopped by a stand that I'd had pass over so many times in the past, while we were waiting for our freinds to catch up. While me and my one friend were there, he was telling me that this guy had leather tools. He has been to this stand many of times before and looked through this box of tools as well as are freinds. He proceeded to pull out a old swivel knife with a red pointed cup on it and sad this guy wants 10 bucks for a old non adjustable knife he must be crazy and hands it to me. hehehe i pull the cap off, yes there it was a ruby tip blade on this old swivle knife. I had the money out of the wallet before my friendcould even say his next word to me.
  19. I would like to find out if you can us a buffing wheel to do edge finishing? If so, what wheel, speed and compound do I use?
  20. Yes the old crew is good and jeff and tellina got me hooked but knowing those two they got enough mottsy that who knows we may hear from them again. I wouldn't put it pass theme to do something like a store of there own.
  21. I'm in Pa and there is one good leather shop here. So I really don't have a lot of options to shop locally. Are there any websites that I can find the older tools that Tandy Leather no longer makes. Is there a web site specifically for leather craftsmen tools? P.S. Are Leather Craftsmen and Tandy Leather the "Snap-On and Craftsmen" equivelant in the leather tool industry?
  22. Let me start by saying that I have tried to ask this question on another forum and I can't even get the question posted. My question is this: I need a sewing machine that can go through 1/4" to 1/2" of leather. do i need somthing like a tippman or can i us a older industrial singer or other makes of sewing machines.
  23. This is awesome! Thank you.. this is just what I was looking for!
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