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Everything posted by lonerider

  1. THANKS!!!! PM'ed offer
  2. I've offered customers this, Pay $10 extra for to go toward the $40 for the Blue Gun for this holster and I'll knock off $10 for your next one ordered. I've got 7 of those so far!! Plus a Sig P226 and a S&W J-Frame
  3. Don't see how you can compare Basket weaving to building a house! One is decoration the other is building something!
  4. Who made you the judge of what angle basket weaving is to be done??? What if it's done horizontally or vertically? It's up to who is doing it! Where does it say what angle it has to be?
  5. Wrong size! Need 8-32
  6. I've been making Cowboy Leather for 9 years so far. I have a website and advertise in the SASS Chronicle. Word of mouth is the best thing you can get! I'm about to stop all advertising, I'm hemorrhaging money that way!! Cowboy Leather has slowed down to a slow crawl lately so I'm starting a "Carry Holster" line and have already set-up a few Gun Stores to sell those. Not as much profit margin in them but it only takes about an hour to make a Leather backed Kydex holster!! Compared to a week for a complete Gunrig, belt and two holsters! The main thing is to make a quality product and be flexible to your customers need and wants! I started out making rigs cheaper than anyone else but now I'm almost up there on prices with the Big Boys and I will customize it how the customer wants.
  7. I use a G-17 Blue Gun for ALL 9mm/40Cal holsters using Kydex. Works, just make the shorter length!
  8. 50 cents each???? No Way!!!
  9. Come on guys!!! Somebody has to know where all the holster makers get Black T-Nuts!!! Found screws and washers.
  10. ????? Didn't see any t-nuts there!
  11. Any other suggestions???
  12. ????? Who???
  13. Looking for t-nuts, screws and finishing washers! Someplace that I don't have to buy 1,000 pieces at a time!
  14. I've made holsters with Kydex inside. Rough up the Kydex and use contact cement,works! Haven't had any complaints of separation!
  15. Nope! They don't have what I'm looking for. I know they are out there somewhere!!!
  16. Won't that rub off?
  17. Nobody knows???
  18. Where can I get Black screws/washers ect? Without having to buy 1K-5K at a time??
  19. Almost finished http://i222.photobuc...er/MVC-483S.jpg http://i222.photobuc...er/MVC-484S.jpg http://i222.photobuc...er/MVC-485S.jpg
  20. I too have trouble making it come out right!!! I must have 20 pieces of scrap around I've tried Fish Scale on, none look good
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