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Posts posted by DomsLeather

  1. 53 minutes ago, Outfitr said:

    Awesome! The collar I made was for a friend also, I charged for the hardware only. What a deal huh? I never know what to charge. Here's the one I made.


    Nice work. I agree hard to price work going to friends. However you need to make your supplies and time. I did give a break on my time. 

  2. I made a molded case out of some tooling leather and part of the case turned black and is brittle almost like plastic...that edge was a bit darker from light or air...you all have seen how hides change color from being old...does anyone know why it turns black and gets hard? I used tap water because I didn't have distilled at the shop...is that the problem? or is it because the light/air has changed it in some way...the rest of the case is fine just the area that was a bit darker got hard...hope you can give me some in site...If you need photos of the peice let me know.

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