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Everything posted by Shadowsbane

  1. I second the stitching groover. I also have been known to use a stitching chisel as well. Especially when I sew up a double layered belt.
  2. 1911 Bandolier holster prototype. Made the strap fully adjustable along the chest. Fits nice and secure, but a slightly wider strap on the top half would be great.
  3. http://www.bestblanks.com/signsubstrates.html?gclid=CMWd4cnFyrgCFWYV7AodJAsAWQ THey are called PVC sign blanks. That seems like a sorta decent store, but you will probably have better luck someplace local.
  4. NEvermind I am an idiot, found it with a simple forum search....
  5. Looking for a good source for some rattle snake leather. Diamondback preferred, but would take prairie. All I seem to find are ebay sales with somewhat non-exciting results. Already checked implora, and springfield. Found one site that was backordered but they were charging 200 for a 4 inch wide 3 foot long skin. On a semi related note. What is dry tanned? Is that just rawhide?
  6. These are the final prototype. Seem to really of worked out well.
  7. Yeah there is definitely a speed boost with a machine no doubt about it. Although they have their own learning curve. I would avoid a tippman though. Went that route and while I probably never gave it the chance it deserved I could of got a basic electric that is just easier to use all around.
  8. Hand. A stitching pony is a lifesaver though. I have a machine, but lack the table/motor for one yet.
  9. Oh that is the plan for later. When I get everything else set up the way I want. Right now if they are local I just have them bring the gun or knife over and they get to see me do some of the work. But, point of interest. Chief Jason and I are on the same local group selling our stuff. With a few other very fine makers. So until I am fully ready, I don't mind passing on stuff I know he or others can do a better job at than myself. Rather lose the sale at the beginning then try to do something I know I am not fully set up for, and not have it come out as good as I want.
  10. Most if my products have been directly related to demand. I started off offering embossed single and double layer belts, and doing repairs, but since then have branched to some adult stuff, holsters, bags and all sorts of other things. Lots of times they are a one off product but it gives me experience and makes them happy. Particularly the left handed crowd which I have specifically marketed to over the years. Right now though I have had to turn down several orders, because I am just not set up for the items they want (lack of blue guns and whatnot), it is those times where I send them off to other local people who I know can do better work and make them happy. Historically my customers remember that and check with me for future orders first. Price point is complicated at times like that. People come to me because I am cheap, and I generally work out deals where they will just pay for the materials in exchange for product testing and a review. That way my development is at least partially covered, without going into the hole with unhappy customers, or simply lost materials.
  11. Figured you were here too. ChiefJason. Yeah I never really like my own work as much as other people seem to. Perhaps not the worst thing ever I guess.
  12. So the scales are a bit caddy wompus on one but otherwise I am mostly happy with them. I think. The 1911 pictured doesn't match the grips, but it seemed like a good idea to have it there anyway
  13. Got an order for these, though I am not completely done thought I would share. Construction is 2 layers of .06 kydex with the cobra on top and the edges rolled over between the two pieces. Still need to counter sink the holes for the screws but it is a start. Feel free to let me know what ya'll think.
  14. But if you say something on TV or in an interview it must be true... I like Springfield a fair amount. At the very least they carry kydex, and other things that modern holster makers need. Not stuck in the cowboy reproduction/flintlock era
  15. Thanks a bunch. Looks like Cobra skin is right up the customer's alley. Wants it for a set of Colt 1911 grips. This will probably be a fun project.
  16. Pricing is hard for me personally. The desire to get my name out is conflicted with the concept of not devaluing the impression of my work. Tough balance, and I have yet to get a good answer. Often, if I price at about 10% under what the other locals are paying I mostly get responses about it being too much. But, if I price it a bit lower, I may get the sale, but makes it almost a charity act when you factor in time spent. I will continue to follow this thread closely as the wife and I are starting up again soon.
  17. Tandy is meh. Most of the patterns look like they came from the 60s, as do their instruction manuals. Their in store selection can be quite random at times, running the gambit from somewhat decent to just plain sad. Their machinery is amazingly expensive and not nearly as well built as some cheaper options. Now there are a few areas where they do shine. Mostly with the GM side however. I have heard of some stores that will do more extensive classes "off the Tandy books" in areas such as corset making or CCW holsters. Stuff like that. I know my local store strongly encourages his business vendors to place cards there, and I have seen him actively endorse some of his clients when people come in looking for stuff. I go there because at the moment I can't order/store enough leather to warrant the shipping charges, and their sales are somewhat decent, particularly around the holidays. But things are changing, and tandy still hasn't really decided it wants to keep up.
  18. Looking for exotic leathers, particularly snake skins to use on a custom order. However, it seems that Tandy has taken that section down for some reason. Any good places to get it?
  19. I have personally had the machine close to 3 years. Sewed up about 5 feet of stuff, then had to leave my apartment. Been moving around since. Hence all the full/nearly full spools of thread. Before that bought it from someone else who said they didn't really ever use it. Still was/is in it's original box. I believe it is aluminum cast, not the iron. As far as pictures... You can look in that folder for others. Also Price is supposed to be $1000 OBO
  20. Tippmann Boss Manual Industrial Sewing Machine - $1100 OBO This machine will sew up to 3/4 of an inch of leather, vinyl, or canvas and can do up to 90 stitches a minute. It is great for sewing leather belts and other heavy duty projects. Comes with tons of extras including: Flatbed attachment 5 spare bobbins an accessory kit full of tools for it 14 extra needles most sized 200. 2 Zipper presser feet. (Left and right) 1 fleece foot Instructional video (VHS) 1500 yards size 277 brown thread 750 yards size 207 Brown thread almost 750 yards of 277 black thread. Will need a bill of sale signed. Trying to get a house and the bank wants that information.
  21. Penden is right, we did get a much larger number of people stop by and take cards just from watching me sew up a holster, and a flask. Hardest part of us currently is just getting the name out, and paying the bills while we are doing so. Personalized service will go a very long way. I know I was and still am impressed with my order from K-man, and that was several years ago now. Why? Because he did what he said he would., and was upfront and honest. We are currently still trying to find our niche, it is slow going, and frustrating, but we never had any ideas about it being a walk in the park.
  22. Yes and no on the dye. It wasn't my original intention but I kind of liked the semi striped effect which is a bit more obvious in real life as opposed to the pictures. I do however, need some work on my dying in general. At least on my larger items. I do pretty good with belts, but those are pretty much one single pass.
  23. Nope. Neither makes contact with the stock. The laces seem to be keeping the eyelets off and I countersunk the rivets into the leather on the other side. If they do start making some contact though I will probably just line the whole thing with some pigskin.
  24. Side saddle I made for my wife's shotgun. Shotgun is a Mossberg 500 Bantam in 20 gauge. This is my first attempt so: What do ya'll think? What can I do better? Also in the pictures the loops are being wetformed to the shells and the whole thing is being shaped to the gun itself..
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