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Everything posted by Leatherpownder

  1. Leatherpownder


    Looks like you been busy braiding. Nice.
  2. Nice work. That's goin to look good on your hat Alan.
  3. In my opinion it would depend on how much work you plan on doing. If you are just getting into braiding a combination tool like the Lacemaster, Wayne Judski,or another tool that has the straight cut, bevel, and splitter in one would be the best and least expensive. The tool Bevan produces looks like a fine tool for the price but you would still need a splitter. If you plan on doing more then a string cutter from Hansen (also has splitter) or Tim George at Hamleys coupled with an Osborne splitter would be in order. Hope this helps. Bret.
  4. Thanks for the nice words everyone.
  5. I got the clasp set from leathercordUSA.com. Yes there is a core, Window blind cord.
  6. This is a 20" 8 plait Roo necklace with rawhide accents I recently finished (3/16" diameter). The silver is by Pat Horlacher of Oregon.
  7. Thanks all for the nice remarks.
  8. These are what plait and style I usually make for working cowboys. They sell for $450 per set + what ever the shipping would be. I also do custom orders if there was something in particular you wanted. My email is rawhiderbh@yahoo.com. Thanks Bret.
  9. Here's a couple of sets of 8 plait reins I just finished.
  10. Here's a pic of the tool.
  11. I have a used lacemaster for sale. It is in excellent condition for $250 + shipping. Contact me if your interested.
  12. No. I usually go O2, U2 being carefull not to go up the rein to far.
  13. I braid back the ends and let dry. Then you can wrap with string and roll smooth.
  14. It's hard to tell Logan until U cut into the hide. If it's not any good the hide won't have any life and the fibers will be pulled apart. The rest of the hide looks really good though. Should still get quite a bit of string from it. Really good rawhide should have almost a transparent look to it. Bret.
  15. The strings are cut at 1/16th of an inch and I use 2 string ring knots and single string long buttons. Glued in the silver ends.
  16. This is #2 of an order that will have a silver pendant added.
  17. Wish I was closer to Texas.
  18. I bought this hide because I haven't had time to work any fresh hides. A good base with uniform string thickness and width are the main thing. If your bases are even then the cover knot should be even. Skidmores Beeswax waterproofing. A little goes a long way.
  19. Built some headstalls for a friend's silver.
  20. These are 8 Plait Romal Reins for an order In Ruby Valley Nevada.
  21. Tim is charging $450 for the cutter. He braids for Hamley's. His # is 541-377-2507 and it's usually best to call about 1:00 in the afternoon.
  22. Gear looks good Mike. Always nice to ride your own gear.
  23. Finally got my new string cutter set up and ready to use. I bought it from Tim George in Pendleton, Oregon. Really like the fine adjustment and not losing my starting point when I'm tweeking string width or edge.
  24. They may be easier for you to sell if you make them full length unless your in the west where cowboys ride bridle chains. People showing usually don't use chains because depending on the chain they can become tangled during the work. Knots provide a balance to the rein when riden and it is up to the maker as to that pattern or how many. Good luck it should be an interesting project for you.
  25. Just get it good and hot (it will pop out when it's hot enough) I use a small torch and it just takes a second.
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