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About philip7

  • Birthday 03/01/1985

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    saddles and tack

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  1. i need them to with stand a rasp run across the at times
  2. Iv been looking for a good hide to make a pair of chink but i dont know what to use or where to get it??? any help would be great
  3. im look for one that i about 9 inches long and has 3 or 6 rings. thanks for any help
  4. Lowy Enterprises in California or DJ Associates in Ft. Smith Arkansas both carry releases, they call them latch and link assemblies

  5. im looking for some three ring clip the kind and size you would use in a day planer... thank for any help
  6. im looking for the stuff that they put in they middle of stirrup leathers.. any help would be great.
  7. i was wondering how i can get it iv found the stamp but i need a wholesales lic. to buy it not sure what to do... thank
  8. i need help finding this stamp.. thank for any help
  9. im look for someone who makes a good maker stamp. thanks for all the help
  10. how much do the bearman mauls run im looking to buy one and was wonderind what the cost range was....
  11. im looking for a stamp iv heard them called a diamond waffle stamp or a geometric stamps any help would be great..
  12. im sorry i mean a tripping breast collor pattern.. thanks

  13. hello my name is philip and you offered to send a tripping breast collar to me that i would be greatfull for that give me your email address and ill send you my address. thanks so much for you help

  14. look for ideas to make pattern out of.. paper??? not sure what to use and what holds up good... thanks any help would be get..
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