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Everything posted by TrustCommunicationConsent

  1. LOL a challange is a bit like saying the ocean is moist. I learned to tie a pinapple knot from that book and it was a heck of a learning curve. However I agree compleatly that most everything is in there. I tend to make the shot bag. Then use (diameter * 3.6)/ number of laces. Diam *3.14 = circumference so the 3.7 gives the extra needed to ensure good coverage.
  2. a few pictures of the leather working part of my shop
  3. From the album: My shop

    lead loaded plaited belly.

    © © leatherworker.net

  4. From the album: My shop

    This is where I cut the straps, bellies, falls and knot leather.

    © © leatherworker.net

  5. I did try logging out and back in but I can not even spot the Marketplace. I have been working on my profile, had to figure out how to do it. Will Write an intro today but I know I do not go read them so doubt the value of it. Name: Mike UserName: TrustCommunicationConsent IP Address: Email Address: mtrissal@roadrunner.com
  6. Seems to be an interesting site. I am finding a lot of great info and would love to meet locat (So Cal) Leatherworkers.

  7. I am not sure (when I click on thumbnails I am not getting a larger pidrure) but that looks to me like a 7 part 6 bite turks head (also have not been about to find the discussion on turks heads) and if so it is very likly you also know how to make a 3 part 2 bite turks head and a 5 part 4 bite one as well. I say that because they way I make them 7/6 is raised from a 5/4 which is raised from a 3/2. Mind you there are at least 3 different ways to tie one (that does not even including tieing and tightening in one step (which is what I am working on now.) Today for the first time got to work with kangroo and I am amazed at how much easier thurks heads are to tie with it. Now I understand how people can make knots of 3 - 3 or more passes which allows for different colors and even different strap sizes for seperate passes.
  8. two subjects: 1. is ther any way to sort members by state so maybe I caould actaullt meet some of the local ones? 2. This site was recomended to me but 2 people from another site (fetlife.com) one of them said I should write to get access to the adult part of the site. How do I get that access? Name: Mike Trissal UserName: TrustCommunicationConsent IP Address: Email Address: mtrissal@roadrunner.com
  9. Something I had not seen before; you attach a core to the endo of the shot bag? Frirst time I have seen anyone mention that. a couple of questions first is the core a tapered/ bevled / rounded bit of leather? next how long is it and how attached to the bottom of the shot bag? (approx 8" long)?
  10. when braiding arund a solid core the more strands the harder it becomes to keep the line of the braid straight. The trade off is it number of different patterns you can make and that incluses changing patterns during a braid. Not the way I make my floggers (different is not better or worse it is simply different) but very nice indeed.
  11. another thought that is not the main store, the main store is in Nappa Ca. (just remove the south from the link to get the main store.)
  12. I buy hardware and some leather from them. Nice folks and seem to know thier business. Sadly they do not carry hte leather I use the most (Kangaroo in different colors) but they do have a lot of hides.
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