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Everything posted by Azenrain

  1. Very nice! and thanks for the address where you had them made.
  2. Azenrain


    Man this is just beautiful.
  3. Cool Stuff. This is super vibrant and I love the fine red line at the cuff opening where the bracer has a subtle flare.
  4. Azenrain


    wow these are so very clean and beautiful. I love the soft look of the liner at the wrist.
  5. Wow that is some impressively tight handstitching, good work!
  6. Damn you make sweet bags.
  7. Hey all, I was hoping to get a few suggestion regarding what to buy for my next order. Here's the thing, I don't have physical access to a leather supplier right now, and so need to order online. The closest retailer seems to be Tandy as far as I know to northern Ontario, so to not be killed by shipping I thought I'd stick with them. What I'm looking for is some veg tan that is flexible enough to fold around the edge of a book cover, while still having a great depth to the tooling. I've used 3-4oz in the past for this, but I find that its just a little too flat after tooling. And since I used to buy from a local that closed down, I have no idea about the properties of the brands they sell. Any I should stay away from completely? I'm honestly not that picky, just looking for something that gives the best balance of tooling vs. flexibility. Thanks for any insight you can give.
  8. That was a really great profile post lloyds, I enjoyed reading it. Inspiring story on the love of leather, and the spirit of the artist.

  9. Azenrain


    VERY nice! I love the pebbled leather and the tassle off the knife to bring it together with the sheath.
  10. Wow that is beautiful. What are the copper/brown inserts between the conchos made from?
  11. Thanks for the comments . And yah the basic journal like these are pretty easy to assemble. I've tried looking for a good web reference for making them but haven't found one so I working on making my own (while i'm tackling my own website) and will post once i get it together in case you're still wondering. It's still a bit off though, as i'm struggling with my site first heh. Until then though if you want to figure it out its basically a long stitch binding and you can google for stuff related to that.
  12. From the album: Belted Journals

    The second belted journal I made. Instead of shining up my edges I like to do alot of sanding and scuffing before and after staining to wear the look a bit. Since it's a journal people shouldnt be dumpin it in water anyway .

    © © leatherworker.net

  13. Azenrain

    Belted Journals

    Suede wrap handbound journals with a veg tan belt closure.
  14. From the album: Belted Journals

    Experimenting with a new style of journal from some sketches, this one sports the ouroboros snake and some of the first patterning I ever tried heh. Since I only have a swivel and about 4 stamps I need to be pretty creative to keep the designs different.

    © © leatherworker.net

  15. Thanks alot guys, and thanks for the welcome .
  16. That is just so terribly slick...great work!
  17. Hello! Just thought I would introduce myself since I found this website and loved it so much . There's just so much talent here it's a double edged knife where you are both inspired and intimidated at the same time heh. As for myself, I've just gotten back into leatherwork, and am focusing mostly on journal covers at the moment, though I like to do other projects here and there when the mood gets me. So to close, I just want to say that I'm really glad I found this great resource of a website and hope that I can be a worthy addition in the time to come. Azenrain azenrain.deviantart.com azenrain.etsy.com
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