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Everything posted by jc3persons

  1. thank you both,,couldn't help but chuckle,,nice to know,,eat a lot of food i know i will for a skinny guy they say
  2. When shopping on line because there is no place real close i see the reference TR and wonder what that means,,i know someone or everyone cept me knows!! thanks
  3. thanks for info,,hope to be in san antonio during x-mas holidays and can go to tandy's to hand select some leather.... got a copy of packing iron on the road or air cominmg this way so maybe i can get the detail right,,thanks again and happy pumpkin pie!! thanks dwight
  4. they both have a slight forward cant and each can be worn right or left,,after a lot of experimenting at the house i wound up with the laced one onleft hip for the backward draw and the lined one on the right hip slightly forward.. couuldn't decide on tooling pattern so stuck several originals in there ,,lace or thread??? that one i have answered lace on the belt but holsters are still a puzzle like both.. gonna go for copiing a period correct next time out!!
  5. Can someone point me in the right direction for type of leather to make a period correct cowboy era money cartridge belt...i read somwhere not to be tooled but can be decorated with spots and conchos,,also lace can be used... Not a clue what to use or the weight,,appreciate some help!!! thanks
  6. great looking holster and am betting that not your planned belt for carry,,if like me just had to put on as quick as you finish,,,looks like it would work better in my fav carry place,,behind on right side,,,nice looking!!!!
  7. Scraps seem to lead to good projects most times,,,,been wearing boots since i slipped out of the womb and enter another zone every time i stick my old bones in them,,haven't worn spurs in a long time after jabbing my self in the brain area at a local shoot number of years ago,,but i like the spur straps and the spots and seeing yours may spur(no pun lol) see me attempting a set,,,,nice job!!
  8. just looking at them makes me want to buy a pair of black powder smokers,,would certainly be inerested in buying one if i didn't try to torture leather my self!!
  9. Tried to picture my self on a horse working cattle back in the day and make a rig that i could pack a couple revolvers all day,,not a fast draw type at all and this is definately one of a kind cause of indecision and mistakes, and just things i like,,,thought i would post a pix cause the info here sure helped in the making!! old suburban not there was just in album
  10. hello lobo,,,ya would think with my handle i would be spittin out holsters left and right ha ha not the case....just have 3 different personalities as the other half says!!!!! and tended to admire the real three persons,,would have liked to burn powder with him!!!!My hoslters have a lot of his design tho..Those are all great,,???is what is cord lined???? BTW i picked up a small piece of Herman oak from springfield,,it definately a nicer hide and haven't cit through any hard spots as of yet,,haven't stamped or tooled yet,,manyana..
  11. seems like i answer some of my own questions...got in a while ago and looked at my bag and in my unprofessional opinion it appears wet enough that i left in sink about 2x as long as needed.... had enough body left to go ahead and cut basic pattern down to size and will put back in bag and in morn ought to be about right for trying to stamp and cut a few original designs on.... Thank you Mr. Park for your educational tutorials,,have become a fair edger and maybe will get casing down thanks to being able to read your advice over and over..
  12. Hi,,i cut a holster pattern,,rough cut last night,,it will surely have to be tweaked and refined..in an effort to get better i tried casing it and was intending to work on it today but several unexpected things in the way and it will be manyana before i have chance to work on it......an idea of the size it is for a 4 5/8 ruger blackhawk,,,,dipped in sink of very warm water for probably 25-35 seconds,,still bubbling when i put in a plastic bag and sealed off and set on the work table.... The "???" is am i going to have to do again or just sponge wet,,fairly sure tomorrow morn i will have time to work on it... i plan to stamp it and make a few S cuts to achieve the pattern i want...thanks for any input... By the way it is a cut side of Herman Oak 8-9 oz,,Springfield cut me a11 square foot piece of the lower grade but it seems to be a smoother nicer piece of leather than the double shoulder from elsewhere...
  13. straight to the job and neat,,packing a good smith
  14. neat piece of work,,admiration to any one who can carve something besides acorns and oak leave!!!!
  15. who know she is a female,,,,more important,,is she happy with me,,that one i can answer!!!
  16. yard girl (aka wife) ask me to make her a hoster and put copy of her necklace on it,,,,,ha ha ha i said no way but she used the persuavive feminine powers and i told her i would come up with something... was a fun project and definitly unique,,so thought i would post a pix or 2...it is definitly a fighting holster,,,i have wore it around and it is fast out and in,,,so i on my best behavior the key chain was a practice run and just decided to use it for her keys
  17. so i scratched around enough on my slow computer and forund the answer to my question,,guess most questions can be self answered if you dig long and deep enough,,raining panthers and gorillas in my neck of the woods
  18. nice belt for sure,,did you make the concho's or are they available somewhere 1 more ? did you hand sew or was it machine stitch,,either way it looks great. i manage to shoot more air than clays!!!
  19. What type of leather is used for boots,,have worn kangeroo and calfskin all my life but have never considered what type of tanning process,,mostly an educational question on my part(sure can't make boots,lol)... Actually am considering having a pair made for a gift to my better half and just wanted a litle knowledge before spending the dollars they seem to cost...Also i have heard that a lot of big name boot makers are using paper more and more...thanks
  20. thanks shorts,,ran inner liner on 1st all way both sides,,,2nd one i stopped on both ends about 4-6",,,will try your way next one,,looked at your site and it looks extremely good!!!!!!
  21. in process of trying a 2nd belt and looking at ways to attach the buckle and stumbled across a site that sure looks like quality work...Some of there belts are folded over and sewen on top and ends... was curious if any of craftsman on this forum had done some that way and how they like them....if so how do you deal with the fold to make it even with the other side,,thanks!!
  22. just to express my appreciation for all the good info i have garnered from the craftsman on this site,,an on going learning process for sure but getting better,,wish the pixs were better but from a cheap camera phone...and i know a long ways to go,,,,Would appear that i need to try another belt ,,might need some help walking around with all those strapped on ,lol lol
  23. Bought a can of tanners bond from tandy's and seemed to be good stuff but messy and bad oder(boss made me take it outside to use)...Ordered some stuff from another co. and it was called tanners bond and figured it would be same...Turned out to be Fiebings leather cement,,looks like white liquid,,appears to be a easier product to use and doesn't smell bad,,used my finger to put it on on a small holster,, a water based product.... Just wanted to add my 2c cents worth as i read thru a lot of stuff about the cans being hard to use and open after using etc. and had experienced same...So far looks like a good product,,so many choices these days on everything,, long for a simplier time somtimes,,but fun to learn and adjust..Once again thanks for all tips and glad you are up and running,, i read Parks's edging tutorial every time i edge and am getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  24. thanks for the fast timely advice,,either one is in my budget and have to break down and bite the bullet...Seems like there are so many choices for products it is just like rolling the dice in vegas....BTW i have tried all the tips have received and also just scanning the forum and it all good stuff from making my patterns to bring the oak stump in to use aa hole punch base....Got enough of the Tandy craftsman double shoulder left to try a couple more pieces of gear,,prviding i don't make too many errors...Having fun and live and let live.....................thanks
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