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Everything posted by mogwild

  1. Almost forgot, one of these as well:
  2. Oh, and the embosser works great. The only tough part is making sure the leather is centered and feeds freely, here's a scrap of raw and an already dyed end cutoff I ran through just as a test.
  3. The strap end punches that we got are really nice. I have a few of the newest Tandy pro serious one's and they are not nearly as hefty or nice as these ones. Also a whole box of dies, paints, and rolls of leather and scraps of leather (not pictured) that were included. Edge roller painter thing, oblong punches, button hole punchs, maul's, skivers, knives (all 3 knives, medium round knife, Japanese style and french style are new, never used). Neatsfoot oil, bone folders, and a whole swack-o-craftool stamps I didn't take pictures of (handfuls) as I couldn't find the room on the workbench to lay them all out on.
  4. Some more of the score. Did I mention we acquired a few stamps?
  5. We went to check out buying a NIB Tandy pro Embosser as posted in the linked thread, ended up with...a few more items than anticipated. The fellow said he had "a few stamps" and various tools, he gave us a price we couldn't refuse and we ended up buying everything. First up was this hand cranked singer, not sure much about it as it's a bit smaller than we use but it was an all or nothing deal Then a cool CN bag that was full of conchos ((so...many...concho's), rivets galore, snaps, belt buckles, hat band kits, just everything a person could imagine. And of course the Embosser we went to look at, he figured he had about 5 rolls for it, nope, 13! So Embosser, 13 rolls, all the spacers, the works Two snap presses with every size of setter made, including spiked concho's, double cap rivets, single cap, bunch I have no idea what they are or do, as well as a brand new in box stitching pony, never used or even taken out of the package. As well as the large press for stamps, and adapters to use all the stamps in the press, the handle on it's ridiculous, some serious pressure can be applied with that puppy. He did say he had a few stamps. Well I think I have every stamp tandy sold now. More pictures to follow as I've hit the attachment limit in this post.
  6. Greetings, I've run across a Tandy Pro Embosser 3900-00 for sale, BNIB with 5 rolls, it's a good price. But I can't seem to find anything about it. I've searched the site, and I know Tandy recalled some embossers (edit: I see the 3800 model was recalled, so is the 3900 a-ok? why don't they sell it anymore?) due to quality issues, but I can't find a model number of the recalled units. I also can't find any youtube video's of this exact unit (Tandy has pulled all the video's, but I **think** the cowboy 8700 is the same machine?), or pictures of finished product made on one (is the definition or imprint good?) Any help or advise would be appreciated, it's hard to tell if it's a good deal or if there's a reason I can't find diddly squat on them.
  7. I have the manual digitally if you want to Private Message me with your email address, I'll send you a PDF copy (it's 74mb so I'd have to share it via my google drive) Here's the exert on thread breaking in the troubleshooting area of the manual:
  8. Awesome! Going in the non-leather tools pile, thanks.
  9. Some of the books a patterns, there are...lots. See how thick they are in the first shot And last shot, just for fun, look how old that price tag looks, when's the last time Tandy sold Glovers needles for 29¢
  10. Interesting, thanks. Some more items I'm not sure about, some kind of red handled crimper, perhaps not leather related Then a double sided.. Something or other, the tube on it might not be original, it sides of easily, perhaps added for extra grip. The two ends are opposite to each other, maybe a smooth stamp, or not leather related at all?
  11. More answers, awesome. Thanks guys.
  12. Ah, so never feed them after midnight, never leave two in the same drawer together, that kind of thing... . Understood, that's how we ended up with 7 stitching machines.
  13. Helps lots. Just getting into working with veg tan leather (mostly so I can learn and get better at using the Randall harness machine) making belts, knife sheaths and small pouches, (my first, second and third projects below, be gentle I hand't learned what an edge beveler was when I did the knife sheaths, next ones, will be beveled. And yes, that's a Bic lighter case, I was excited to attempt wet molding and dying for the first time and it was the first thing within reach on the bench....) so most of the hand tools are foreign to me. I have the basics like strap cutters, end punches, awls, etc but all this stuff was a package deal so I guess I'm going to try it out further. There are three leather tooling swivel knifes, not sure why a fellow would have needed so many (maybe setup with different tips for a tooling session?).
  14. Oh cool! They actually have red tips, neat.
  15. Closeup of the scissors, made in Germany, as well as the serrated side, and lastly the pinking shears (assuming they are not leatherworking, just scissors for arts and crafts) I'll go through the patterns later, but there's far to many to photograph.
  16. Leather case on the left has a snap setter, the tool beside it I suspect is a wood working tool (perhaps a "spoon"?), and then some random bits of metal, homemade punches maybe? Another snap setter, and the next picture (925), no idea, none. Then a set of heavy duty scissors, not sure if they are leatherworking or not, serrated on one side, very sharp despite needing cleaned up.
  17. key holder things, no idea what's in the red box, not sure what the tool with the leather case is, perhaps a lacing punch?, rotary hole punch (who can't use extra's, always misplacing mine ) These might be...wood burning tips?
  18. Some close ups, two of those tools (the ones between the edgers) say 11-2 and 11-3, I think those are creasers? Few more
  19. Friend ran across a garage sale that had some leather tools, asking price was $100obo, he offered $80 on our behalf and picked them up for us. I think we made out pretty well. I'm not into carving and tooling (yet) so I'm not sure what a few of the items are, I'll ask in separate posts with individual pictures (the green handled scissors for instance, not sure if those are leather tools or just some kind of heavy cutters). Not shown are a few old leatherworking books, bunch of buckles, ton's of old patterns, lace, and some light leathers and a pounding board. Also I think there's some woodworking tools tossed in (the wooden red handled tools look like wood carving tools, unsure), as well as pinking shears, and some heavy duty scissors that are serrated on one side, and what looks like a ring sizing tool.
  20. I got a message at that number! Thanks very much, I'll try them again next week.
  21. Just wondering if anyone has been in contact with Campbell-Randall lately? I've tried the "contact us" on the website but didn't hear back, so I've been calling daily (few times a day) all week and no voicemail or answer. I'm curious if it's an issue with me calling from Canada (my cell phone doesn't always go through to US numbers, though I've tried from work as well) or if I have the wrong number (1-800-327-9420 as listed on the website) or if they are on vacation or something and just nothing on the website. I'd like to order some parts but can't seem to reach anyone. I see they haven't been on the forum in a few months either. Thanks. Trev.
  22. I have a Randall Harness stitcher.. I don't find it finicky at all. We bought it at auction, the motor was seperate in a box, it was dirty, and had been in storage and moved about for years. Cleaned it up, built a table, mounted the motor, watched the video's ( ) on threading it, figured out how to set the tension, and away it went. It has never gone out of adjustment, just stitches all day long. Fantastic machines, if you have the means, I highly recommend you pick one up. The guys at Campbell are fantastic with helping, all the parts are still available, as well as accessories (like the box stitch attachment you mention)Before this machine, I had only ever used a "home" machine, regular, non-leather model. The only thing is the needle will rip apart certain materials, like nylon, because it has a hook on it. So if your lining your cases, you have to be careful. It works just fine though sheepskin lining used on the underside of saddles however, or rather it must, I cleaned a ton of it out of the shuttle area! I've changed feet, thread, needles and awls without issue, and it doesn't seem to mind when stitching the transition from a thick piece to a thinner piece. Same with stitch length, no issues changing and changing back. You may be able to get one of these for your Cobra 4 as well:
  23. Says its a "Puritan" machine:
  24. We have a winner! I'd say that's close enough.
  25. Wasn't sure if it should go in this section, or leather stitching machines section, but here goes: Do I have the right foot, and more importantly, which foot, would I use to sew as close as possable to someting I've wet molded. I'm trying to make a knife sheath like this (but for a leatherman multitool) and I want to stitch nice and tight to the shape, I've already wet molded it around the leatherman (maybe that should have been done after?): And these are my presser feet (Randall Harness stitcher): Do I have the right foot? Am I over-thinking this and just run the foot that's on there? Gawd am I green at this.
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