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About Sticky

  • Birthday 09/19/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    S. Wales
  • Interests
    Building Scoots. Pottery and leathercraft

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Nothing yet
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  1. After i've used the vinegaroon i rub some patchouli oil into the leather and that seems to work quite well at getting rid of the smell.
  2. Where is the best place to get lift the dot snaps in the uk that can go through 10 ounce leather? The picture has the type i need. (Found the picture on google images) Cheers Spencer
  3. The picture of the scoot above has nothing to do with me it was just a random chop picture i found. It's similar to what i'm building which is why i put it on. The scoot was the reason i got in to leather working as i couldn't afford to pay anyone to make a seat so i am doing it my self. Cheers Spencer
  4. I went to a classic bike show at shepton mallet on sunday and managed to get hold of a sheet of closed cell foam 1"x2'x5' for £6. Here is a picture of a lambretta chop, it's not mine but thought you might like to see one anyway. Thanks for the replies Cheers Spencer
  5. Thanks for the replies. The bike i'm doing the seat for is a lambretta chopper/bobber so i cant do anything fancy. Have a look on google images and you'll see what i mean. Cheers Spencer
  6. Has anyone used the gel seat covers that are made for mountain bikes to pad solo seats? The reason for asking is if anyone has used them have they lasted. They are only £8 in tesco for a large one.
  7. Sorry to bring this thread up again. I made up a jar of vinegar and copper which has been brewing for two months and tried it on some leather yesterday. It verdegreed the leather and gave it a look of something thats been hanging in a barn for 20 years.
  8. Gerber or leatherman? And why?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sticky


      My Gerber mp400 has lasted nearly ten years the leatherman freestyle i bought lasted ten days. Broke bending a needle. I vote Gerber.

    3. RustyMelton


      The Gerber multi-tool will pinch your hands when using the pliers if you're not carefull

    4. Art


      I have a six year old Gerber and a 2 year old Leatherman Charge TI. The leatherman is better because the tools are easier to deploy, the Gerber I use the pliers mostly, so the Leatherman is something I carry and the Gerber is in my desk.

  9. why is molding leather so addictive?

  10. Give this number a ring it's in Newport, South Wales 01633216360. His name is Dave Harding.
  11. my new leatherman just broke in two just after i finished a case for it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sticky


      i'm going to stick with gerbers. My mp400 has lasted over ten years.

    3. electrathon


      Leatherman will replace (or repair it, if you prefer) for free. One of the best guaranties in the industry. Plus, they are made in America, unlike many others.

    4. Sticky


      i'm going to send it back this week

  12. Stitching pony! Who needs one! That's what your feet are for. :-P

  13. The only problem is i have to wait a month before getting the tools.

  14. How about this for a result; An ex saddle maker has offered to give me all of his old tools for nothing.

  15. How about a random ideas page? Somewhere people can post ideas they've thought of but weren't sure about but sound like a good idea or cheats for doing certain jobs to make life easier. Anyone interested? Cheers Spencer
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