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About Leatherman5900

  • Birthday 09/03/1964

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  • Interests
    Leather, Craft Shows, Professional Bull Riding (PBR), NASCAR, My Wife, Restoring Muscle Cars

Contact Methods

  • Yahoo

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts, Pocketbooks, Wallets, Bracelets
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  1. Here's an idea.....those that want to use leather business cards - use them, those that want to use paper cards - use them, and those that do not want to give out business cards period - don't. There....now it is 2013 and time to move on and begin fresh. Happy New Year to everyone!
  2. At some point we all feel this way. You have to remember that many on have years and years of experience. Regardless of what was said, I guarantee you they have made their share of mistakes, that is how you learn. I started at 13 with my grandpa and am now 48 and still feel like my work is not to par with some on here but you know what...I sell the stuff and do well and receive great compliments. Don't give up...keep trying and before you know it you will be on your way.....
  3. Yes I would like access to the patterns...... My email address is: Leatherman5900@yahoo.com Thanks, Jeff Chandler
  4. Any luck finding someone to do this project for you?
  5. Howdy, Born and bred in Warner Robins, GA......served in USAF for 7 years. Have been doing leather since I was 13.....now 48. Check out some of my items at: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/All-Star-Leatherworks-by-Jeff-Chandler/169540536455857 Thanks, Jeff Chandler
  6. Howdy, Leatherman 5900 here from Georgia. I would be interested in taking on this project for you and helping out. Check out my page at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Star-Leatherworks-by-Jeff-Chandler/169540536455857?ref=hl and let me know if you are interested. I make purses, bracelets, hats, etc. Look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jeff Chandler
  7. Just wanted to say that my dad, 67 years old passed away Wednesday. Please keep my family in your prayers as this is one of the hardest things I think I have ever had happen to me. He was my best friend and very instrumental in getting me started in leatherwork. RIP DAD I love you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spinner


      Very sorry to hear that Leatherman, I can't even imagine

    3. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      Very sorry for your loss.

    4. Leatherman5900


      Thank you all....it has been

      hard. cherish every moment you


  8. Very Nice....what is the cost? Do you have website?
  9. What type of leather purses? How many? etc......is she still looking?
  10. Yep the background tool is a little difficult at first.....keeping the same amount of pressure constant is tough...but the key is to rotate the tool in your fingers while striking the tool so as to vary the pattern....also try getting a bigger background tool to cover large areas while using the tool such as A104 from Tandy to get into the small places....I have approximately 25 different background tools from various suppliers....and I use every one of them.
  11. Congratulations! Just remember to practice on scrap leather prior to making your cuts on the real thing. Rounders are a good choice when it comes to practicing.....the swivel knife takes a little while to master but once it is....Katie bar the door! Have fun and be patient....patient....patient.....when frustrated (and you will) get up walk away and then come back! Merry Christmas! Jeff
  12. Christmas Projects done...now starting on Spring Craft Shows.......

  13. Christmas Projects done...now starting on Spring Craft Shows.......

  14. Hey you might want to take a look at OHIO Travel Bag. www.ohiotravelbag.com they have a unique selection of all types of items. Hope this helps.
  15. Going through a rut with staying motivated? I guess I need a break....

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