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About jinrui73

  • Birthday 01/19/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    All martial arts, leatherworking, chinese medicine, survival, asian cultures, gadgets, motorcycles, mountain biking.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Thanks alot! I used fiebings spirit dyes, oxblood, USMC black, and white.
  2. Pink is the new saddle tan! lol
  3. Hi Jerry, I too am a noob and was inspired by the people on this site to get some tools together last Christmas and give it a go...still haven't done as much as i'd like but work gets in the way!! Anyhoo, good luck to you and it sounds like you are doing the right thing by mastering the swivel knife and learning from the tutorials...the Paul Burnett's tutorials are superb...

  4. Those are freakin awesome!
  5. I bought a single bend for $52, I can get 12 good 44" belt blanks and some scrap for small projects and practice out of it, that comes out to just over $5 per complete belt (econo buckle, line 16 snaps, and a keeper). I sell them for $30 each (cause my skill level is still pretty low), it takes me anywhere from 2 to as much as 7 hours so far depending on what I'm carving. So IMO it's a good investment. It just depends on how much you think your time is worth. -jerry
  6. Thank you very much!
  7. Thanks! That means alot coming from someone as good at this as you!
  8. Basketweave is a tricky first attempt! You did real good as far as I can tell!
  9. These two have proven to me how unprepared I am to market and sell handmade leather goods. I think I'll use the rest of the bend I've got for practice and personal items. I think these came out ok but I know with practice I can do way better. Definately shortened the learning curve on many levels though! LOL! Thanks to all the people who chimed in to help with these! -jerry
  10. Man that is freakin cool!
  11. Learning real fast how unprepared I am to market and sell handmade leather anything. LOL!

  12. Does anyone else take 7 hours to hand carve a belt or am I just super slow? I did one in 4 and it looked like poo.

    1. LNLeather


      Everything gets better with practice

  13. Just so we know, the letters are supposed to be crooked, lol.
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