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  1. Great idea bladegrinder. Thanks for sharing. A question. What diameter and length of pvc pipe did you use for the leg extensions? I have the same issues and this may solve it for me. Thanks.
  2. Awesome. Thanks sparctek.
  3. Hi. Is there a formula to adjusting a swivel knife for proper fit? I never know if my knife from blade to yokei s adjusted right. Thanks.
  4. Great. Thank you for your help. Book has been ordered. Have a great day and God Bless.
  5. Hello. I have been asked to do a bible cover for a LARGE bible. I have never built a bible cover. They want a zippered cover so that will be new too. Any advice on making one of these? How much extra do you allow when you rough out the leather and what is ideal for a finished cover? How much extra do I need to allow for adding a zipper? How do you figure out the size of the rough out for the bible? I realize these are a bunch of questions. Any help would be appreciated. If there is a good instruction book to do this, please let me know. Thanks. Jon
  6. Thanks for the responses. I appreciate them. Akube, beautiful work!! I'm getting back into fly fishing and thought this type of leather gear would be fun. I plan to attend the Denver Fly Show this Friday, the 11th. I'd love to stop by, say hello and take a look at your excellent work. If you let me know your booth number, I'll look you up. If you wish, you can pm me if that works better. Thank you again for your responses and sharing your work.
  7. Good evening folks. I am wanting to do leather fly rod tube covers. I would be using a pvc tube. The cover and ends would be leather. I'm trying to figure out a few things and thought I would post here for help. For my questions, I was thinking of using 4-5 oz leather as I want to carve and tool the leather. Is this too heavy? Another question is how to do the seam where the cover material meets on the tube. Does the leather need to be cut very precise for a clean joint or is there another way to do this? Sewing this joint would be great but I have no idea how to do something like that. I've looked for info through Google and youtube but there's not much out there. Any help or advise you could provide would be much appreciate. Thank you all in advance.
  8. Just to add my 0.02 here but I tried tooling after wet molding a large cellphone case. Total disaster but that may be because my carving skills are not great. When I carved and tooled another piece before I wet moulded it, it turned out much better. I only had slight stretch to the pattern. You may have to try each way to see which works better for your projects.
  9. Hi. I was just thinking lately about how interests can change with time and, as a empty nester, how has that changed my interests in life. I'm 62 and wanting to devote much more time now to my leather work. Am I getting into this wonderful craft too late? No interest in a brick and mortar shop but, if all goes well, etsy? leather work is an amazing craft. Anyone out there getting started later in life? Thanks all. Any responses appreciated. Best to you and be safe.
  10. Good Morning. My hardwood contact cement is about out. I will need to purchase more and have considered the water based types of glues. What experience have you had with them and how well do they work. Thank you for any responses.
  11. Thanks for your responses. I think that info answers what I needed. Have a nice Christmas holiday.
  12. Good Morning folks. I am contemplating adding conchos on a belt I am going to make but I need some advise to be sure I do this right. My questions are these. First, how do you locate that first concho and space the rest and Second, do you tool the belt first and place the conchos, or add the conchos first and tool up to and/or around them? Thanks very much in advance for any responses.
  13. I sent you a pm as well. Thanks.
  14. Please add me as well. Thanks you.
  15. Oops - I meant woodworkers! All thumbs.
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