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About buckeroo1

  • Birthday 04/27/1941

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  • Location
    Rosenberg, TX
  • Interests
    Saddle making, saddle restoration. Member of CSMA, NBSSCA, SHATA, and SSAS. Collecter of old saddles, spurs, holsters and related items.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Maker of quality saddlery
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    Anything helpful
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Pure "dumb luck"

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  1. I am looking for a roller guide for my Adler 104 flatbed sewing machine. If you have one, please contact me. I am also looking for a center pressure foot for same machine.
  2. It really is a small small world...glad you are part of mine!

  3. Sixer.....for me, 7/8 oz and 4/5 oz. leather is a great combination. I do something else that is not so common....my belts are made with 7/8 oz. saddle "skirting" on the outside (Chestnut is my favorite color from Wickett & Craig) and then I use a 4/5 oz. veg-tanned "tooling" leather inside for the lining.. By using the "skirting" leather I am able to get a much more detailed carving which my customers truly enjoy. As to your "wrinkles"....this is common to many craftsmen and women....simply beccause they do not realize that " the inside diameter is NOT the same as the outside diameter!" If you glue the two together....by layinng them both flat on the table or workbench and then placing them together....you will ALWAYS have wrinkles! By putting the lining onto the belt, by what I term as the "round" method, holding the two pieces in the air and putting them together and insuring the belt is curving as the lining is applied.....wahlah.....no wrinkles! If both the front and the back pieces are the same length at start....if the liner is put in properly, you will end up with a piece of lining 2 or 3 inches in length that would have certainly been "wrinkles" when worn. Remember the human body is round.....NOT flat! Good luck, hope this helps!
  4. Where u at...? Are u working hard...? Have not heard from u latly....bet u found some 250 year old saddle in a barn and droooling over it...haha..Greetings

  5. Where u at...? Are u working hard...? Have not heard from u latly....bet u found some 250 year old saddle in a barn and droooling over it...haha..Greetings

  6. Thanks for the help....will contact Maverick Leather soon!
  7. Thanks for the help.....I will make an order from Maverick today!! I really do appreciate the heads up.....thanks again!!!
  8. I am looking for a supplier for horse butts. I was able to purchase these from Siegels of California, but they have closed the doors....so can anybody assist me, in locating a supplier for horse hide/butts? This is fantastic leather for holsters and I sure would appreciate ANY assistance. Thanks!!
  9. I am trying to see me on my FATBOY ( i call her Fat Helga...) with huge Mexican wheels spurs!!

    I love those things....haha...



  10. Received my new servo motor for my old Adler from Bob Kovar (thank you JimBob for the reference) not only does it work fantastically well, it came quickly and in packaging that was second to none! Now what do I do with the old motor? Anybody need a boat anchor? Free....just pay shipping!

  11. buckeroo1


    Hey JimBob...did you lose the address of that FANTASTIC company I told you about? Just in case you did, here it is again: Beiler's Manufacturing and Supply 3025 Irishtown Road Ronks, PA 17572 Phone: (717) 768-0174 Beiler's has one of the nicest catalogs in the industry, and their prices are second to none. Because they are an Amish company, they really cater to the harness industry...but the supplies are all priced well because they do not use computers, nor do they use fancy boxes (but they pack very well), I purchase ALL my dyes, hand tools and "linen" thread from them...not to mention ALL my hardware too! Finally, in today's world of high shipping cost....they charge "ACTUAL" shipping fees, unlike some companies that charge a percentage (that is always in their favor too). Write or call for their catalog...its FREE! No...I am not getting paid for this endorsement, I am just a very happy customer and wish that the other companies in this industry would follow their wonderful lead. I am a 100% totally satisfied customer!! Oh yeah, they sell some of the highest quality leather on the market....very very nice leather, and it comes as if I picked it off the stack myself!
  12. Most likely you already know: Ed Chapman worked for Edelbrock's in Fort Worth, Texas (1930-1946). Edelbrock was sold to Atkns & Boothman (early 40's)...then it became Atkins and Bullinger. About 1944, Don "Windy" Ryon was the sole owner. This leads me to believe that ol' Ed may have worked for Windy Ryon also....you might check this out.
  13. My favorite supplier for my hardware is BEILER'S MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY. Because this is an Amish company....they are experts in leather harness and related items. Also...because they are Amish, they do not use computers or modern devices to raise their prices. Their hardware is awesome....and very-y-y-y reasonably priced when compared to other companies. I believe you must have a wholesale license to buy from them....but again, this is the company! You can order their catalog by phone: 1-717-768-0174 or by mail: 3025 Irishtown Road, Ronks, PA 17572. Their catalog is very impressive to say the least and its free.
  14. Your name caught my attention...LOL! My last name is Kronnick...and not too many names ever come close. I am a saddlemaker and log on to this site as buckeroo1 all the time. If I can ever be of assistance in the wonderful world of leatherwork...just email me at bkronnick@yahoo.com

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