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Anet du Toit

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Status Replies posted by Anet du Toit

  1. Unfortunately my friend on FB don't like it at all!! Just the few leatherworkers...

  2. My pad is a chunk of leather tossed on the desk top. Look sto be around 4oz, and soft.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I asked because I must expand my collection for the curio shops. It must be lightweight and not to expensive. So i thought a mouse pad could work. Everybody use one... or not? Any other Ideas? And everything must have the big 5 on them :-P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. My pad is a chunk of leather tossed on the desk top. Look sto be around 4oz, and soft.

  4. Yes, I have made lots of mouse pads - I make mine out of Latigo, and matching coasters.round and square w/rounded corners.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Did you sell any? Do you put felt under it for finishing?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. You have to be careful. No designs on it because the LED mice won't work right. A decorative border would work though

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      That is what I had in mind :-)

  6. every timr i try my chat my computer wont load it

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Did you load Java? Can't work without it :-)

  7. What can i use on natural veg to keep it from darkening in the sun or with time? Would like to keep it as light as it is at the moment...

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I suppose that will be the only way... Thank you Clay

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Anet I think everyone here would agree that we want to see some start to finish pics of your stuff you are amazing.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I have to make 25 folders with 25 different wild dog pics on it. Will take step by step fotos with those as post it. Will take a while though...

  9. Love your work, Anet. I was also one of those wondering if you were using some pyrography (burning) techniques.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Don't know a thing about pyrography haha didn't even know there was such a word!! But no. I only use a water based cova coat to do the colouring.

  10. Is that one of those "I did it on purpose ya know" moments, bummer dude.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I think it happend to all of us some time haha. i had a few of that myself!! So i defnitely don't do belts anymore!!

  11. Would you believe, I took that belt to work to show my boss (we were talking about making a belt for her husband) and she bought it immediately! I tried to explain the mistakes and that the next go round would be better but nope. I also got orders from other co-workers that saw it and now I've gotta make 2 belts and a wallet!! Freakin sweet!

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Whoop Whoop!!! Congrats!!

  12. anet, try xray film

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I did. Still to bendable but thank you :-)

  13. anet your work is amazing, i really dont know what to comment on work like that.

  14. Have orders from Istanbul, Turkey and the UK, I am amazed and busy!

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Congrats!! Hope you will share some of it with us :-)

  15. Anet one thing you should maybe think about is if we didnt think your stuff was completely awesome we wouldn't look.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I didn't think about it that way... tnank you.

  16. I still don't know why people view your work but don't take the time to make a comment....

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