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About bluecarpenter

  • Birthday 06/22/1968

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  • Location
    northern missouri
  • Interests
    Self selfseficiancy. working with my hands. repairing sewing machines. sewing, leather work.

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  • Interested in learning about
    making shoes

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  1. Do you still have the cowboy outlaw sewing machine? Thanks mark
  2. yes how much? as im in missouri and have a pair of cowboy boots that i need to resole for a friend of mine. and i think that foot would work very well. beats handsewing it.
  3. do you still have the splitter and how well does it work. will you ship? thanks mark
  4. wiz, I am. Ive got a post bed machine, flatbed machine and a cylinder bed machine but none of them are zigzag. Not even sure i need a walking foot in zigzag. 2 weeks ago i got to watch a Brother TZ1-B652 Sewing Machine being used to close the back of shoes up and its not a walking foot. It worked great, and she has been using it for a long time to close backs of shoes up. It did a nice zigzag withj 69 thread though i would like to use 92 thread not sure if it would handle 92. I just had a guy call me about a consew 99 that he thinks he is getting in next week sometime.
  5. Ive also been looking at the sailrite ultra feed with walking foot. It I think would work good with the walking foot. And it also only makes a 5mm wide zigzag. just might be a bit noiser to operated and would also run 92 thread from what i've been told.
  6. Ok thanks wiz.. I've also been directed to look at a singer 143w2 and a couple other singers. and a pfaff 138.. Anybody know how wide of a stitch they will make and possibly how close the stitches can be made on any of these?
  7. Can anybody point me towards a decent zigzag machine that I can use to sew the backs of my shoes together. Most of the leather is 8 to 9 oz but if i use buffulo and install the heel reinforcement it will ad up to about 12oz. I would like to use at least 69 thread and maybe up to 138 but it doesn't have to go that big. thanks mark
  8. ok when you are pedeling you are pedaling away from yourself. but the hand wheel on the machine turns towards you. here is a pic of the jack shaft in the middle. the upper shaft is turned towards you by riding on the chain. the other end has the pulley with the belt running up to the handwheel on the machine. I will get a video but it will be a few days.
  9. well after doing a bunch of research for a week and about ready to pull my hair out. I finely decided and called Bob at toledo sewing machnine. I ordered the cowboy 810 postbed machine. I ordered some extra bobbins,needles and some smaller thread that I didnt have while I was at it. Now i can't wait to get it. sounds like it sould go out tuesday as monday is a holiday. Its the only other machine that I don't have. as ive got a consew 206rb flatbed, the boss cylinder machine and a 29-4 patcher. I like all 3 of those machines for certain things but when sewing on the back of my shoes I think the postbed will be nice to have. Now i just have to get busy and build a table and get the pedals for it set up as i like to make my machines people powered. motors are nice but there is something about treadling or pedaling my sewing machines that I like. here is a picture of my consew set up to pedal.
  10. im not needing the table or motor as i already have that. a couple guys i've talked to say that the econosew is better than the new consews that are out now. would be nice to be able to see one. seems like they don't seem to know much about the machines that they are trying to sell.
  11. anybody know anything about the econosew brand of machines. specifly the 7in post single needle machine. looking to sew at most a 1/4 inch of leather on my shoe uppers. soft to medium temper on the leather. thanks
  12. are there different ways they finish latigo? I know if have a little bit of it but its not very plyable. a bit stiff. Who do I contact and what do I ask for?
  13. I'm looking for a certain type of leather that was designed specifically for Hydraulic engineering to create oil seals under great pressure and heat. Or at least that is how it was described to me. It needs to be soft and flexible. I'm using it in some shoes that I'm making for the foot bed. 10 -12 oz. when you walk on it after a little while your foot will begin to form its own foot print in it. I like it better than using foam as an insole. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks mark
  14. ok. I talked with a guy back in new york today that carrys needles for a lot of these machines. At the moment he only has size 7. Is there any were else i can get needles and in different sizes. Also what size of thread will that needle handle and how big can I go on thread. The weather here in missouri is bad or I'd be headed to get it now.
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