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  1. I think the below Kyoshin Elle website has a comprehensive list of leather craft suppliers in Japan. Including Shop Cram ( http://www.shop-cram.com/ ) http://www.kyoshin-elle.co.jp/index_shop.htm
  2. I called up the below company before and understand that they do not require minimum quantity for most items contrary to what is listed on their website. You might want to check with them, they have operators who can understand English. http://www.gets.cn/
  3. Yes, it does, use the line that is braided.
  4. How about using a fishing line? They are availble in Neon green colour and it stays that way. I have tried it with good results.
  5. I believe the ends of the braids are whip together using a wax thread. http://www.ropeworks.biz/reader/whipping.pdf
  6. I like the colour combination used on the bag and wallet, very original. May I know why dye was used to paint on the leather? Thank you.
  7. Hi Redevil, I would probably wipe them with a piece of damp white cloth. Just a suggestion.
  8. Amazing job Reddevil, the concho you have complement the wallet very well. And good job on burnishing the sides, must have taken a long time to do so.
  9. Hi, Your work is amazing. Do you have a website where I can see more of your art? Regards, Boon
  10. I dealt with Simon from Goods Japan several times and his service is impeccable. -Boon
  11. Crimson

    Chinese Zodiac

    Hello, I recall seeing some chinese zodiac stamps at goods japan. See below website link However, it seems that their online store is currently closed for maintenance now. http://www.goodsjapan.jp/ Regards, Boon
  12. Hi, I am currently using Tandy's 4 piece awl set to sew through 7 oz leather double over and it is possible. The trick as mention by terrymac is to frequently sharpen them. I also have the stitching awl which you broke and I think its more suitable for 3-4 oz leather.
  13. Hi Reddevil, I once ordered a batch of Craftsman oak tooling sides (2-3 oz) from Tandy and most of them are useable and clean. I think it all voice down to luck when making leather purchase online. All the best in your talk with the Tandy manager, I do hope they can provide a satisfactory resolution to your issue. Lastly, dont give up on this hobby, I think you do great wallet. Regards, Boon
  14. You did a great job with the sheath, the colour of the leather and minimalist design matches the knife very well. -Boon
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