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RD Ranch Leather

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About RD Ranch Leather

  • Birthday December 15

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norquay, Saskatchewan Canada
  • Interests
    leather crafting and buckaroo / cowboy gear. Everything western! Ranching & the good life

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    making working buckaroo gear
  • Interested in learning about
    every aspect of leather crafting, tips, etc
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search

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  1. This is an all leather "tote" bag (one of several I've made in the last month) that is fashioned after a similar nylon bag that I have. It is made from upholstery leather I purchased, on sale, a while ago (not knowing at the time what I was going to use it for). The gussets and handles are leftover chap leather and the design is tooled on 6/7 oz Herman Oak leather with an application of neatsfoot oil.
  2. Very nice work. Welcome to the forum from Saskatchewan, Canada
  3. This is a pair of saddlebags I made this spring for a friend who rides pasture and needed a medicine bag insert that could be removed and taken to the animal being treated. I only made one insert so the other saddlebag could be used to hold other things. There are "slots" for needles and a divider in the bag so bottles don't clank together while riding and enough room for a couple of syringes. The rider tells me it has been very handy.
  4. Well, I've tried resizing this pic again. Not sure I've got it right yet. I did say in my first post that I had completed these chink/chaps, but I do have some tweeking to do. He was to use them last week and then get back to me about adjustments, but I haven't heard from him yet. I'm calling them chink/chaps because they are chink length, but have a full wrap around leg. Then there's the issue of winter clothing and winter boots, so I think I may have some adjusting.
  5. I've just recently completed a pair of bear skin chinks/chaps. I'm hoping the attached photo turns out. I've had some issues with resizing the photo. The bear skin my friend supplied was just, just big enough for the project. Thanks again to Oltoot for the hints.
  6. Thank you oltoot for posting such detailed information about using bearskin. Just this week I had a fellow bring me a tanned bearskin with a request to make him a pair of shotgun chaps. I did a good deal of sweating/thinking about this project, but now armed with your info things are beginning to come together. I've made quite a number of chinks, chaps & armitas, but this bearskin will be something really new.
  7. Very nicely done! I've made some bikers' wallets, but they certainly were "plain" compared to yours.
  8. Hey. Sorry I missed your message until now. I am from Southern Manitoba. No one really answered my fringe length question, but I did manage to figure it out on my own and thank goodness it worked out.

  9. Hey, what part of Canada u from? I'm from East Central Sask. I've been making some chinks this past winter. Did anyone answer your question on fringe length?

  10. I recently purchased a Mach 3 machine through Leighton's Industrial Sewing Machines in Delburne, AB phone (403) 749-3871. John Leighton repairs all types of industrial machines and can "machine" (make) parts that may no long be available. Trucking freight to East-Central Saskatchewan was $250. That was the machine and motor and stand (approx weight -325 lbs). Ruth D.
  11. You have a good point there; I hadn't thought of that!!! Ruth D
  12. You're right. That may be too fast. It was just a thought that it might work. The 1/4 hp sounds like a better deal. Ruth D
  13. After reading about the burnisher made using and electric motor, I'm wondering if the same thing could be created using a desk fan with the fan removed and replaced with a burnisher of suitable material? You would have to secure the fan base to a sturdy surface. Would the fan motor be strong enough? Ruth D
  14. I'm finishing my second pair of chinks using your DVD. It's very clear; lots of good info and good filming. I'm glad I got it. Good luck with your sales Ruth D
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