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Posts posted by leathercrafter

  1. Here's another rope can I just got done. This one is going to a Texas college calf roper that I know pretty well. Actually, I've known him since he was born. This is my son's Christmas present. I figured since he was roping like a pretty big time calf roper, he oughta have a pretty big time rope can. Hopefully, I did my part...LOL. Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking and stay blessed ya'll.

    wayne, now that is what i am talking about!!!!!! you did a great job and both you and your son should be very proud of that. just keep up the good work ever piece you do seems to be getting better and better. again great job!!!!!! john

  2. Looks great! Desk sets like this are on my ever-growing list of things I want to make! I agree with the above posts that you should include some close up pictures of the tooling for us to admire.

    How hard is the leather in the middle? would you ever be concerned of pen dents from writing on a single piece of paper? Or is it just better to have a clipboard or binder or another hard surface behind the paper?

    hello tinneal, i will try to download some close up pictures and the pad has a stiffner in the center so you can write on it all you want even with a single sheet of paper thanks for the nice comment


    Would agree with leatherrookie on both counts. (closeup and usual great work)



    hello ben i will try to post a close up of the pen holder already posted aclose up of the pad hope this helps and thanks for the nice compliment

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  3. I somehow missed this on the first go around. Very nice. Also wondering where y'all get your inserts from for photo albums and day planners and such. I have bought ones together and ripped them apart to get my "guts" but I figured there has to be a supplier to get the rings and pages from???? Again nice work as always. Take care, Randy

    wood i just go to wal-mart and buy a ring binder in what ever size i need for photo album i use a 2 in binder i then drill out the ring binder and throw away the cover you can also buy just the ring at tandy i dont know what sizes they come in hope this helps john


    Question- do you cut the spine beads with a knife and bevel, or do you use a beader blade? If so what kind and how do you use it? Some folks like Bruce Johnson (I think) cut the first line and use it as a groove for one leg of the beader blade. Others use a double beader and follow the pattern lightly as keep running over and over it with more pressure each time.

    Great work


    pete i cut my borders with a swivel knife and border them i dont use a beader blade just never could get the hang of using one thanks for the nice compliment on the album john

  4. Hello,

    I really like the case. It is a lot more classy looking than the simple 'sleeve' type cases that are designed for the Ipad to slip into. One question: looking at the inside picture in your gallery, how does the Ipad fit into the pocket? The pocket looks like it fits perfectly snug on all sides but I don't see how you get the Ipad into it. Thanks for sharing!


    bob the top of it is a flap the you lift up slide your i-pad down and tuck it back down over the top hope this makes sence john

  5. Sometimes you can get away with having the bottom of the gusset (bottom of the bag area) wider then taper it up as you go. Now that I think about it cant remember if this helps with the corners or not. I need to do a wider array of leather work because I keep forgetting what helped me in the past lol.

    i have built several bag over the years with gussets the way i do mine is i build all mine out of 2to3 or 3to 4 oz lining leather, i wet the top with a sponge then use barge cement along the edgeof both pieces to be glued together. let it dry for a minute then put the two pieces together and form the edges with my hands. then with the leather still damp i sew the two together. i have several items in my photo album that i have done this way for your viewing. hope this helps john

  6. I thought for sure that by now there would be many iPad covers, or even a tutorial on how to make one in Leathercrafter & Saddler's Journal. Surprisingly, not that many. So if you do make one, why not photograph the steps and submit it to ShopTalk or The Leathercrafter & Saddler's Journal?

    My husband has an ipad, but he uses a waterproof/shockproof case made by otterbox because he has a beach business. If you look online at Amazon you'll see all the cheaply made cases & covers. There really is a place for a hand made tooled case.

    Good Luck!

    hello mauifarrier, i have a i-pad cover in my album and i am just finishing up a cover for a i-pad 2 it is a full floral i will be posting pictures of it next week.feel free to check out my album and hopefully this will help you . i have 8 covers on order now, so trying to work through them. thanks john

  7. That looks great! Id love to see some photos of the inside with and without the iPad inside of your cover!


    joe i have just finished up a full floral cover for a i-pad 2 wich is a lot harder to build i will be posting pictures next week i will be sure and get some of the inside because this one has a lot more insides than the last one. john

  8. Thanks, that is a big help! If I can get one built, I will do a full write-up of the build for sure!



    joe i have post pictures of the i-pad covers i make just finishing up one and will post it next week. if i can help you just call me and i will answer any questions i can for you 918-637-6689 hope this helps john

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  9. Really nice work! I like the use of the oak leaves as the 'floral' element. I've never seen the acorns done the way you have. I really like the effect, how it gives them a nice 3D look. The whole design works together really well. Thanks for sharing. Gives me something else to aspire to.


    thanks bob, i like using this design some just to mix things up and be a little different. love the floral but some time i enjoy doing something a little different thanks for the nice compliment john

    My only complaint is that it is too beautiful. You should try and tone down the perfection next time! ;):notworthy:

    thanks for the nice compliment tinneal i will try a keep things a little more under control next time john

  10. Great work as always. I like your pattern, is it one of yours? I love it... I like the things you have on your site you have a lot of skill from what I've seen. I don't think I would put any of my tooling at that size. I've just started carving leather so your not going to be seeing any of my stuff in the "show off" area for some time. If I were to post any thing I've done, my thumb nail pic would be thumb nail size or a little smaller...Rob

    thanks for the nice compliment, and yes the pattern is one i drew up for that customer, i try and draw everbody a new pattern unless they want one just like that. but usally i try not to use the same pattern twice. you will get there like my good friend bob park says all it takes is pratice!!!!!!

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