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About MacPruette

  • Birthday 07/09/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Charlotte, NC

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    The Highland Targe
  • Interested in learning about
    techniques, tools, and material sources
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    looking for patterns

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  1. I currently own 2 belt embossers, Speedy from Tandy, and a Tippmann. Neither is adjustable enough to accept the taller rolls made by Bunkhouse Tools who has a lot of different designs. I believe that if you can make something that can accommodate rolls made by Bunkhouse Tools, Weaver, or whoever else makes them, you will have a small market. There's a reason Weaver recently entered the Belt Embossing market, people like buying belts. You won't get rich, but you may pay some bills. So, I'm interested too.
  2. Is this still available?
  3. I know this is an old topic now, but for future reference: http://www.buckleguy...old-separately/ http://www.buckleguy.com/back-posts/ I use alot of these. And these are great prices. I hope this helps.
  4. I'm interested also. Sending you an email. Thanks!
  5. many years ago, I used to do Civil War re-enacting. Period Impressions made a pattern. http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info.php?cPath=22_107_300_304&products_id=9921 Hope this helps.
  6. Hey Billy, I know right where Patrick is. I grew up on the State Park in Cheraw so Hwy 1 is no stranger to my wheels. Thanks for the welcome.
  7. It's the BooKnack on Anderson Rd.
  8. Amazing personal history and great leather work. Congrats!

  9. I see you are from Chesterfield. I grew up next door in Cheraw. Thanks for the welcome. Johnny, I do visit Tandy once every couple weeks, usually Fridays, but I drive past Fort Mill everyday on my way to work in Rock Hill. I run a bookstore there. Royslsbry and King's X, thanks for the welcome.
  10. MacPruette

    Highland Targe

    These are targes that I have made. A targe is a Scottish shield.
  11. I just wanted to go ahead and introduce myself here. I signed up about 2 weeks ago and have devoured most of the topics on this forum. Man, this place is great. I wish I'd have found it much sooner. So, thanks to all of you who have put this great site together and everyone else who have filled the boards with great topics.
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