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  • Birthday 11/10/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Virgnia Beach, Va
  • Interests
    Welding, making Scrap Metal Choppers, Harleys, Family, Leather working, Fishing, Bowhunting

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    From belts to Motorycle seats
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet search

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  1. these are nice. been makin a few myself. im still working on getting the laceing down but its all practice till i can do it without the book. keep up the good work
  2. ive done this before. have found some books complete like Laceing and stitching for leathercraft that now have added to my document library. now looking for the motorcycle accessory pattern pack.
  3. My son and i worked on a gift for mom. got him hooked so he is looking to do more with me.

    Just messing around

    trying new stuff to get to know different techniques.
  5. yall are funny. nice hat there Phatdaddy. LOL
  6. Been working out of a box for a while with all the stuff ive collected from ebay and tandy leather for the small things ive been messing around with and got tired of not being able to find anything. So i found an old tackle box and some old pll bottles and went to town on everything. think everything went pretty good to start but might swithch some stuff around but is now better to see what i have now. if anyone has and advise for this newbie just let me know. never to old to learn anything. hope yall like my idea.
  7. ive been working toward making a bag for my wife so ive been doing small projects to try different ideas that i would incorperate into her bag. after i was done with this which mainly i wanted to see how to lace something and how the finished product would look my 15 year old asked if he could have it. he wanted to wear it to school. i aint got no problem with that so if his freinds like it they might want some of there own for a price. lol. i was just glad he liked it. at his age i was startng to wonder if i could be more interesting than playstaion theses days.
  8. This was the first real thing ive done for my self. many more to come. Needed a knife case for my belf since the knife liked to fall off. took about 4 hours to do but here it is. was proud of the lace work thanks to youtube and all the training videos, it was a life saver on this fist attempt.. hope you all like. thanks Dave another pic another 1 1
  9. great post Kate. I cant wait to start my new wallet
  10. i see the pic of crazy horse you have. i go up there every other year. nice place

  11. thanks everyone for the pointers. as my kids and work will let me i wll work on some stuff when i can. been looking around and keep seeing some great stuff. this is relaxing after a long day to tool around.
  12. Hello everyone, just wanted to say hello. Im new to the leather craft but have been facinated by it for years. im a Navy welder by trade but do little projects at home on my spare time like scrap metal choppers. Have made some belt buckes in the past and wanted to go further by makeng some belts to go with them. im now starting with the new buckle im working on for my son. I also ride my harley so i eventually want to start making seats and bags for bikes to help fuel my creativity. have been looking around ths site and see a lot of cool leather work and hope to get as good as the work im seeing here. i have been on ebay and got a nice used leather tooling kit for $35 dollars and went to a local counter top granite warehouse and got a 1 ft sq peice of granite for free from the guy to use as a work area to learn to tool the leather. now waiting for my veg tan leather scraps to come in to be able to practice on before startng my belt project. ill keep looking around the site for more ideas and project to try to do. any advce that would help is always welcome and glade to be a member of the forum. Thanks Nomad
  13. that looks good
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