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jacket potato

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Everything posted by jacket potato

  1. Thank you very much guys! All suggestions and advices were useful and I now have an idea what to do with this paste. Thank you!
  2. Thank you Chief! I bought neutral as I thought it would give my carving some light shading, but apparently there is really no pigment in it at all.. So I wonder what is the purpose of this antique?..
  3. Probably you are right David, could be a thinner.. Then why they did not name "thinner".. just to confuse people. Thank you!
  4. Hi there, I am wondering if somebody could enlighten me on this subject. I bought Fiebings Antique Paste in NEUTRAL and can not figure out what is the purpose of this thing. It does not give any color, not even light tone or shade, it looks just like some finish. And do I need to put actual finish on top of this? So what do you guys use this neutral antique for? Thank you! Era
  5. I enjoyed previous classes and can not wait for the next ones, ALL of them! Thank you Mike for this great project!
  6. Thank you very much guys! Obviously I did not do much research around here.Thank you for the directions!
  7. You guys living in America are so lucky! There is no Springfield in the UK or other great suppliers you mentioned on these pages.. Even if they are great to work with the postage charges are too high, plus there will be duty taxe added at the customs. For example, three bottles of antique stain cost $63.00 while the postage on them is $70.00. And then plus the duty tax.. Even if I do not want to, I will have to come back to Tandy's.. :-(
  8. jacket potato


    Absolutely great work!
  9. Oh, this one is just beautiful! Just has this feel of a market bag.. Milk bottles, some cheese, greens.. :-)
  10. Thank you Adam! I tried this dye and found that if I apply it to "raw" edges it will bleed, but if I trim them clean and burnish and polish first using saddle soap (following Bob Park's method) then the dye can be applied evenly and it will not bleed. It will still soak through the polished layer into leather but the dyed edge line stays clean. But then again, you just said your leather is different.. Thank you! I really like your bag!
  11. Absolutely GREAT bag! Also, why are not spirit dyes good for the edges? Because I just bought a couple of bottles exactly for that purpose.. Should I not do that?
  12. Thank you very much Cheryl! I think you are right and I should talk through all the details with the customer to make him clear about things which might go wrong (you never know).. And yes, for me it is hard to ask a real price - I always think it is too much and my work is not worth it. I think it is in my head, I need to overcome this thing. In the end of the day veg tanned leather IS expensive so no matter what you make out of it - it will cost money.. Thank you again guys! You gave me some emotional support!
  13. Thank you guys! Thank you for your advise! Also, what finish should I use considering it will be on a desk and constantly rubbed ? Would resolene be good?
  14. Hi, I have a possible order coming but I can not figure out the price I should set for my customer. He needs a leather desk top 100cm x 70cm. Well, he need 50 of them. Each will be carved with a picture he provides (the same one on all 50). My problem is I can not give him a price for one desk top as I can not find a decent option for leather. Sides are quite expensive and wasteful so I would go for shoulders. I can make only one top out of one shoulder. There will be waste but I could use it for handbags probably or something.. 70cm x100cm is around 8sq.ft - DID I count right? I have problems with this metric system.. If yes, then 50 desk tops take 400sq.ft of leather. I think it should be 3mm thickness and not less so I can carve it and it looks ok on the table but this is just my guess. Do you think thinner leather would do? The carved picture would assume some volume. So, shoulders seem like the cheapest option but if I need 50 covers then I need 50 shoulders. Does anybody know any other option to cheap down a bit such a purchase? I would appreciate any advise please. The desk top should be one whole piece with no seams (otherwise there would not be a problem). Also, do you have an idea how much such thing would cost? I can not find prices in the internet, only desks with leather tops but not leather tops separately. How should I calculate this? Please give any thoughts you might have as I am really stuck with it. Thank you very much in advance! Regards, Era
  15. Thank you very much everyone for the input and thank you for the link Raysouth! Great store! Thank you!
  16. So it is more like those on Tandy but made of stainless steel? They have the setting tool with that "star looking" surface which makes the exact split you are talking about Electrathon. I keep searching internet for an hour now and found a lot and nothing, probably because I do not really know what a "proper" s/s tubular rivet should look like.. Most of those I see out there look like tandy ones but they are called "semi-tubular" which confuses even more.. Is there any chance someone could show me a photo of a good and long lasting tubular rivet please? I am not asking to search the internet for me, I will do it myself, but I just need to know exactly what to look for. Some picture would help a big deal... Thanks again for help!
  17. I found tubular rivets in Tandy store and I also found tubular rivets on Abbey http://abbeyengland.com/Store/tabid/77/catpagesize/0/Default.aspx?txtSearch=tubular+rivet these look different - they have caps? Which are the right ones?
  18. Thank you! Are these the ones? http://www.tandyleather.eu/en-gbp/search/site-search-results.aspx?sectionpath=3&processor=content&p_keyword=tubular And is that the setting tool?
  19. Hi. I have a question for those of you who use copper rivets please. I am making a men briefcase for someone and this is my first briefcase at all. I would like to use copper rivets for the handle and shoulder strap attachments and since I have never used these rivets before I would like to know - are they going to change their color with use? Will they green? I am going to use Eco Antique Gel Saddle Tan color and I am going to use wax mixture for some waterproof (my customer asked me to). The mixture contains two waxes (beeswax and carnauba), linen seed oil and turpentine. I know the copper does not really match saddle tan but I do not have anything else except of those antique brass rapid rivets from Tandy and I am not sure they are strong enough to last for years (if you think they are - please let me know so my problem is solved). I am wondering if these copper rivets will change color after some time? I think it would be nice if they darkened a bit to go with the main bag color, but it would be bad if they gone green or something else weird. I do not want the man to come back for his money as I do not like upsetting my customers. If copper is not good, then could you advise me some strong and reliable rivets to hold the strap and the handle like forever please? I would appreciate any help on this matter. The buckles and strap holders and dees are solid brass. Thank you in advance for your help! Regards, Era
  20. Hi, I know this is an old thread but I thought I will ask anyway. I am planning to try making one of these bottles for myself, however, one of my friends asked me if it is safe to actually drink from this bottle? How is it in terms of hygiene? Bacteria and stuff? Food safety is a big issue so if somebody could tell me please if such a bottle would be safe to use for drinking I would appreciate it please. Thank you! Era
  21. I made mine very first time vinegaroon based on information in this thread. I also could not figure out a proper recipe, so I just put 4 steel wool pads in 2 litres of vinegar. The wool was with soap so I had to wash it with washing up liquid. Left it for 1 month or even a bit more, and then filtered it. Then left for a few more days with opened lid and filtered again. Here what I got: I am not sure if it is supposed to be red color but it works perfectly and gives deep black.
  22. Very cool one!
  23. SO wonderful piece of art! Clean and tidy. Like it a lot! I think my key fobs are waiting for me, too!
  24. This is a very nice bag! Sorry for asking but how did you achieve such color? Thank you!
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