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  1. Just finished up my new Santa Belt. After experimenting with dyes, stains, stain resists and such this is the outcome of the project. It is pretty close to what I had hoped for. I would have liked the green leaves to be a bit brighter, because in a dark room they almost look black. In reality, I wanted an aged, antiqued look and I think after I applied the black stain over the leaves and berries it did just that, in doing so it lost some brightness, it is a give and take with this sort of work. In the sunlight it looks awesome and really "pops". the gold highlights on the vine bring out the gold in the buckle and I also applied some gold on the veining of the holly to add depth. All that is left is to let it dry throughly and then to buff and apply a finish and the buckle and it is a compleated piece.
  2. Very Nice piece of art there! I do have a question. You say you painted the leather with acrylics and then antiqued. So after you painted it, did you seal it with a block resist or Super Shene first? Let that dry and then apply the antique?
  3. www.santabelts.com sells a nice heavy buckle....I have 2
  4. Actually, odd numbers in any design are more aesthetically pleasing than even numbers. More times than not in nature, you will see more odds than evens....just start looking with that in mind and you will see it. Also, when designing artwork one wants to never center a design perfectly....sure there are exceptions to every rule, but generally speaking this is what you want. Again, look around and you will motice that. Also, in a design you want the works of art and their elements to visually make you eye scan the project in a circle pattern. Usually this is all subliminal in the minds of those viewing the art work. Hey I did remember a little bit of Art 101 in college. Beautifal work BTW!
  5. I play Santa Claus during Christmas...and that in itself is one of the reasons I began leather working. I needed a Santa belt, and the $600.00 I was quoted was a bit more than I wanted to spend...I knew I could make one myself. So after about 1000 dollars worth of tool and leather supplies (And Growing) I have my belt LOL and a new hobby.
  6. I have a base cabinet that has 4 full extension drawers in it. One drawer has all my dyes and finishes in it along with any supply I may need in the finishing area.
  7. it is just a small flask....not sure I need much pigskin...besides, does the pigskin on a football not have a pattern stamped into it? or is that the natural look of pihskin?
  8. Hey guys, got a custom job and they client wants me to make the vegtan look like a football. You know the pattern that a football has on it.....any suggestions as to what tool to achive this?
  9. I am looking at some mountain scenes carved into leather and need some advice on how to go about carving realistic looking evergreens in leather. What tools does one use to create the look of trees or tree branches?
  10. Here are 2 new flasks I have designed and tooled. In your opinions, what would flasks like this sale????
  11. I am surious how you did the letters on the flask? were they stamped ?
  12. Blazin, with no formal training or even consulting a book I just sketched the buck onto a piece of transfer paper. I then transferred the design on the leather and then I took my swivel knife and outlined the antlers and the shape of the deers body. I also used it to cut in the eyes. Other than that I just used the modeling tool to sculpt the muscle tissue and other features of the buck. After I was happy with the deer, I then took a X-acto knife and made all the "hairs" on the buck. As far as the basket weave, after I scribe a reference line it is just a matter of taking your time and practice and you will get the hang of it. Don't go into a project cold, use a lot of scrap to play around with your tools and you will get the hang of it. On the next piece I work I have learned that I need to either glur my leather to some cardboard or contact paper to reduce the strech. I had a little bit of strech in the weave, but once I wrapped this thing around the flask you could not tell.
  13. Here is my whitetail Buck after dying and finishing.
  14. It is my first attempt at an animal. I have tooled around some with Sheridan patterns and other effects but the 1st time to just get in there with a modeling tool and go to town. I should mention that I am an artist without any education or degrees, so I wasn't overly surprised that I could do this but was pleasntly surprised with the way it turned out. Now if I can keep from screwing it up when I allpy a finish.
  15. I am a beginner in the leather world. I have been fooling around with leather for about 5 months. Usually made braclets, masks, etc etc. My 1st major item was a pair os Leather Santa suspenders for myself, since I play Santa Claus at Christmas. Actually playing Santa is one of the major reasons I took up the hobby of leather craft. I wanted to have a handcarved and tooled belt but when I was quoted close to 500 dollars I thought, Heck I can do that.....and so it goes. This is one of my 1st attempts of molding leather animals into leather. Be gentle on me, this is my 1st attempt.
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