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Everything posted by Tanthathide9

  1. I recently just de haired and fleshed the hide I'm in the neutralizing in vinegar phase. There was a thread not long again in which they said to leave it in for 24 hrs it's been almost 36 hrs in the neutralizing solution. Is this going to be a problem? I believe this was KAWs post if I'm wrong please forgive however any help in whether the hide is ruined or I'm good too go Would be great also
  2. I can see an eye loop at the end but it's not hollow it's a solid stainless steel rod so stuffing it is not a solution in this case however it could be a definite possibility if it were tubing
  3. I want to do the same as the picture shows the body is stiff but flexible and of course handle is stainless I don't know how to attach the core to the handle or if that's even necessary any advice would help thanks in advance Josh
  4. Just looking for any used/new used Hansen Anybody know of someone or if any here is selling an old any lace cutter for that matter thanks in advance
  5. Looking for used Hansen cutter if anybody runs across one or selling one I am highly interested in buying one if price is right I live in Texas
  6. Just wanted to share a little update round 2 with cutting my string and it was a success soaked rest of my round and waited a few removed from water...y'all get the picture well, guess I got it "just right" cause she cut like buttah then I stripped er down with a wood small wood plane and it was phenomenal a monumental moment for me thought I'd share thanks for all the advice again. Josh
  7. I can't thank everyone enough for all the help tried using a bad part of the hide to practice with before I got into my better parts so it had some belly and part of hip back along with it so my thickness differences could have played apart a well as moisture again after thinking about it I could have mentioned that (my apologies rcsaddles) again practice makes perfect thanks again for such great advice Josh
  8. I will try letting it dry a little longer thanks rcsaddles Thanks too bronc stompin I will try that as well Thanks for all advice
  9. With all do respect sir, could u be a little more specific with that? I'm not not sure what else there is I can say? What exactly are u looking for? Cutting string from a round with a strap cutter, strings do not have a straight edge after cutting they look like this { as opposed to this | (straight), the round was soaked first then sat out to drip dry before cutting....that's about all I did, that's as far as my knowledge goes on cutting string so that's the best I can do sir but, I believe I'm using the wrong tool as u suggested thank u for ur time sir
  10. Couldn't think of a better title but my problem is this, I cut my first round and began cutting my first strings today I started out a 1/4" strip from a 2' round I used a push take and twine to make my circle and tin snips to cut it out. After soaking at work to cut my string from it btw I'm using the strap cutter from Tandy wooden one, long story short idk if it's me or the wrong tool for the job, but my cut is horrible it tapers in and out and I'm gonna have to strip to about a 1/8" which is no biggie but when I want 1/4" string that's what I expect it to cut again my first time maybe my moisture content wasn't right and it was putting blade in a bind idk any advice better tool selection etc would be awesome thanks in advance Josh
  11. I understand completely thanks a lot for reply
  12. Just curious got a hide I been wanting to cut but I got different options: cutting from rounds tracing round a 5 gallon bucket, cutting the length of the hide or cutting a 2" strip using the whole hide....just curious as to some of y'all who make your own rawhide what preference of cut y'all prefer thanks In advance
  13. Thank ya kindly, it is on it's way. Got a nice cover on it that fid handle or whatever was very nicely done.
  14. Where u order that from? Searched it and I got zero hits, thanks in advance
  15. Yeah lol that would be something if just start wearing that @$$ out one day with it haha but I gotta make a quirt first haha
  16. Thanks for the link megabit I tried watching the full video I do all my work from iPhone I guess it's not compatible to watch it but I saw the trailer and the 2:06 sec I saw had me highly interested wish I could get my ole' lady to help me like he got his too thanks to all who commented
  17. Yeah Pedro was pretty darn good, the same stories as what u told were some of the stories my grandpa tells he would see hides nailed to trees and the way he cut was very similar to how u mentioned with the cedar post he didn't do anything with horse hair to my knowledge but countless quirts and bull whips are at my uncles house. The tools he used and ingenuity is what was so intriguing to me. How they made suchfine gear with such skill and common tools is crazy thanks for replying bill
  18. Posting from iPhone sorry not sure if pics posted
  19. My grandpa told stories about this man named Pedro who was one of his best ranch hands and coming from my grandpa that goes a long way. Well talked about him braiding making his own rawhide so on so forth. Until some personal health issues and arthritis kept Pedro from working with his hands, he ultimately loss the battle and I thought I'd share the quirt of his that really just influenced me to wanna learn the art of braiding. There aren't many pieces of his owned by many people my uncle bought all Pedro had before time of his passing so a tribute to Pedro and something for those who appreciate some good quality work [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img] Hope these pictures work
  20. I've got all the books by grant, looking at a few videos from Brian neubert I was just curious what people might think was more of a foundation building block that is the life blood of braiding it's just expanded or elaborated more in some aspect or another, the item that really sets close to me are quirts. A very close friend and phenomenal braider of my grandpas made them, and since he's gone and passed I'd like to carry on the "tradition" being able to show my grandpa a quirt of my own before he's gone is my ultimate goal but the art itself I love it's something I'd like to pass on to my kids. Some people have made fun of the thought of me "braiding" but I don't think the understand what all goes into it, which just adds fuel to me wanting to produce the highest quality of items I can...I just wanted to know where some of y'all might have started out thanks for all replies Josh
  21. There's so much to learn when it comes to braiding. It comes sometimes be overwhelming. From some of the experienced braiders or anyone who has taken up this fine art, what skills make up a good starting point or a good foundation for beginning braiders? U can learn different plaits but where do u go after that? So I guess my question is before learning to make gear or what eer tickles ur fancy, what are the basis for making a good foundation in expanding ur skill set as a braider?
  22. Brangus, several years old, grass/ hay fed, well what grass we still have in tx....the hide looks great I stuck it in garage away from humidity and the rain we got wasn't helping so I sheltered it and it finished drying in there and it looks great, what I was concerned about jut flakes off now , but please continue with ur comment
  23. Just got my first hide done and ready to cut strings, what's the typical thickness of strings for a quirt and typical core size? I have grants book but just wanted some personal opinions..also what type of cores have been used and what are best? All advice is welcomed please thanks in advance
  24. I just finished my first hide as well, as I don't have much advice the only thing I would say is make sure ur frame ur stretching on will support the shrinking of hide later as it dries. I underestimated the shrinkage. The frame I put together, that booger was in a bind from the moment I started, it didnt give the support i needed for the maximum stretch and made my hide kind warp/bubble up from lack of tension I'm guessing still turned out good but that's bout all I can say on that, good luck Josh
  25. I'm not sure if I De fleshed my hide good enough I just finished my first hide and it's been stretched for bout a week humidity is horrible on the gulf coast of Texas, anyways, it just don't look right there's like a white fibrous substance idk exactly how to explain it but ithe hide isn't opaque or translucent in some areas it is mind you, but I would 90% if not more of the flesh side is not translucent/opaque. Hides stretched tighter than all get out so my thought was not enough fleshing, any suggestions to what my problem could be and how can I correct it.
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