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Posts posted by WScott

  1. Thanks I really do appreciate the kind words.

    When I look, I aIlways think I could do things better, keep trying to push my hobby skills farther, never really happy with results.

    I cringe at the stitching misaligns

    I re-made that white side as it got dirty the first time and did three closure straps until I liked the width and thickness.

    One day I will make something I am happy with :)

  2. Ya buff the snot out of it

    I did a nice red band for my nephew who was leaving for Australia for school the next day. Used Tandy's water based...When I tested the rest of the stained leather it ran like a bugger. I am sure he had a red wrist for a month.

    Do a search on here for using resolene, there was a thread about it last month or so

    I will try to find it after I finish, ahem,working

  3. Ok I will try. Lots of ways to skin a cat, these are just my opinions and experiences.

    *Yes you can glue flat and sew flat, I have not had a problem with that . Done this with wrist bands, belts, dog collars, coffee grips..

    There is enough flex in leather to accommodate the curves. If you have to form a project you get your leather wet, form the leather around and then line, glue and sew it.

    *Water based dies are terrible for running, bleeding and transferring to clothes. You can try to seal them up with acrylic like Supersheen or Resolene stuff like that. I like oil based stains better. I saw the stain run on the back of the band and that is why I suggested trying a lining.

    *There are lots of water resistant products. They need to be repeatedly applied though. For example with my dog's latigo leather collar, I take it off if she got wet, dry it off and apply something called snow shield. There are lots of oils, creams, sprays etc and they all work ok. I suggest trying stuff you can get easily, locally and cheaply carnuba wax is good stuff.

    * Those are both good products. The neatsfoot oil is really best for softening leather, re-conditioning and re-oiling, when it has dried out and become stiff after casing and tooling it. I have not used carnuba wax or atom wax etc but have heard good things. I like acrylic spray to seal.

    I made some acrylic painted leather coasters. I sealed them with a clear spray acrylic called Super Sheen. I use one coaster daily at my work desk for my water cup and have not had to touch it in a couple years. No paint runs or fades.

    Resolene is a real solid, durable coating but it does add a yellow tinge that is not my favorite over painted items. You might want to try it out

    Really try to experiment with what you have, test it out on leather you are using and see what it does. There are so many different products, methods and religious beliefs on how to do things and products. I hope some of this helps.

  4. Hey, good for you to practice until perfect. I get bored and move on to other things before I perfect one project.

    Maybe try lining a band with a contrasting color suede cemented to the back.

    Then line one and try stitching up and down the length. That would be working towards a lined, stitched belt while finding a cement you like to work with and can control and getting hand stitching confidence.

    Just some ideas. Keep posting your stuff and ask lots of questions

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