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Posts posted by WScott

  1. I have been researching Horween leather and stumbled on an article about a Factory tour.


    Been researching Chromexel as I bought some and wasn't sure what I had. I have some black Essix, two Cavaliers, horse strips and one I can't ID as I can't find the receipt for it.

    There are numerous versions of CXL each with different properties and uses. Horween has a great website with tons of stuff

    This is their full tanning list showing properties


    Cool stuff, love to do a factory tour one day

  2. Interesting

    Still a little Star Trekkie for me....like the replicator that creates food from nothing.

    What are the raw materials and energy sources for the culturing process ?

    I call BS that the factories would be open and educational; that is a little too utopian for me to believe.

    Still, an interesting idea, but to me comes off a little like an infomercial.... I have this company and we are making this thing that will change the world (and make me stinking rich )

  3. Had a lady in my office with an attractive black and tan satchel bag.

    The girls were talking about how nice the bag was, mostly b/c of the label attached to it. I could

    see it was clearly not a leather bag so was babbling about how people get fooled by the name brands and

    that seems more important than real materials, craftsmanship and quality.

    I had a good close look and said it was a really nice bag...and kept my mouth shut

    that every inch of it was vinyl. This is ok if she knows what she is buying, but I think a lot of consumers get suckered in

    and fall for the marketing and branding. The counterfeit market is huge with ladies bags as well. It reminded me of this video I saw on leatherworkers. I could feel that false grain that the vinyl had from the paper backing.

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