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  1. Im not necessarily looking for huge quantities, but it is a business and I do intend on using them on whatever Im making, I dont use a whole lot of them but I would sure like to have some nice engraved ones. I guess depending on price I would get as many as I could
  2. Hey all, Im looking to have custom snaps made but cant seem to find anyone who can do it. Does anyone know of a company that can engrave my logo on line 24 snaps?
  3. Edmonton. I dont mind orderign online I just figured that if I could find a good place in Canada then I would save a bunch on shipping.
  4. Hey guys Im looking for the right place to buy high quality english bridle sides. Im in Alberta Canada so Im hoping there is someone in Canada other than Tandy that is. I have been looking at Wickett & Craig, heard really good things about their sides. Any info would be appreciated.
  5. What are the thoughts on the Tippmann Boss?
  6. I see a lot of old singer machines for sale around here, are they worth looking into? and if so is there specific ones that would suit me better than others? I also saw a Juki DNU-241H for sale used is that a good machine for what Im after?
  7. Thanks for the responses. The thickest material i ever use is 7/8oz so i would have to be able to stitch through two pieces of 7/8oz max. anything else I will run through the machine would be significantly lighter material. Id like to stay under $1000 if possible. Is there anywhere reputable that sells good used machines by chance?
  8. Hey folks, im looking for some advice on my first machine. I primarily do motorcycle seats so I'd like something that can take on some serious material. I've never used a machine before so I literally know nothing about them. So any advice or tips on machines you fols can provide would be much appreciated.
  9. Hey all, I'm hoping to learn the old bates style tuck and roll patterns, or diamond patterns, but I dont have a machine. Is it possible to do this style of seat without a machine? Im hoping to find some good info or step by step tutorial on doing a seat of this type, I've googled the hell out of it but cant find exactly ehat im after. Im hoping I can get some insight from you guys. I attached a pic of a seat that I found thats the same sort of diamond style I'm after.
  10. Thanks for the compliments guys, this was my first seat.
  11. Hey guys, thought I'd post a seat i just finished and see what you all thought. Pic kinda sux but you get the idea.
  12. Ive heard of people using rags to apply dye to provide slightly darker areas, maybe around edges or something. hoping to find a little more insight into this if possible. Im trying to figure out some new dying techniques, I prefer to use lighter dyes as I think most of my tooling looks better with lighter dye, But Id like to try some different techniques as far as rag work, or airbrushing, or antiqueing. Any insight you guys can provide is greatly appreciated. Photos always help explain so Ill try to find some of what Im talking about, and if you guys have some to show results that would be great. Actually an example I can think of would be most of Davids seat, the lighter dyed ones usually have a slightly darkened edge.
  13. Ive heard of people using rags to apply dye to provide slightly darker areas, maybe around edges or something. hoping to find a little more insight into this if possible. Im trying to figure out some new dying tecjniques, I prefer to use lighter dyes as I think most of my tooling looks better with lighter dye, But Id like to try some different techniques as far as rag work, or airbrushing, or antiqueing. Any insight you guys can provide is greatly appreciated. Photos always help explain so Ill try to find some of what Im talking about, and if you guys have some to show results that would be great. Actually an example I can think of would be most of Davids seat, the lighter dyed ones usually have a slightly darkened edge.
  14. Cant wait to give the black and ebony 22oz a good whack!! Thanks Ed
  15. What antique did you use? you just used a small brush?
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